Today, London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with major tourist attractions. But this was not always the case. Street Life in London, a new book by John Thomson and Adolphe Smith, goes back in time, revealing a derelict city with abject poverty.
Should LGBTs Be Allowed To Adopt Children? Beautiful black and white portraits of children raised by LGBT families on display in Sydney, Australia bring attention to LGBT Rights to Adopt Children
Sangree, installation view of Tenochtitlan, an Absolut Art Bar in Mexico City, 2016, highlighting Aztecs culture. Image courtesy of Omar Rood ART PROJECT: Absolut Art Bar Project By Sangree Resurrects Aztecs Full Article »
These beautiful early 20th-century colorized images capture the traditional and cultural lives of the Japanese in unique and colorful ways. They also reveal the impact of Western traditions as industrialization in Japan expanded in Japan
Ai Weiwei Joins Banksy in condemning the maltreatment of refugees in Europe. The artist will work with his team in his studio in Lesbos, Greece, to create an art project memorializing refugees.
Sketch by Jeffrey Appiatu as part of his portrait drawing process. Stage7. Courtesy Artist ART PROJECT Jeffrey Appiatu explains his portrait drawing techniques and how he captures emotions BY KAZAD Full Article »
L.S. Glasergreen, Floating Ice, Antarctica. © L.S. Glasergreen 2015 ART PROJECT Stunning photographs of Antarctica and a book reveal a Peace Corps volunteer’s love for photography and service BY KAZAD ARLINGTON, Full Article »
Teresita Fernández, Double Glass River, 2015. Image courtesy of the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong ART NEWS Artworks by leading contemporary artists add elegance to Grace Farms Full Article »
The Coffee Art Project by Obery Nicolas uses the image of a fractured skull and coffee beans to reveal the terrifying effect of coffee and caffeine addiction
Obery Nicolas, Happy Halloween, Snakes, Masks, and Smoke. Digital art-Illustration- Image courtesy of the artist DIGITAL ART BY KAZAD Terrifying images of snakes, skulls, and masks celebrate the spirit of Halloween Full Article »
Adobe Summit 2014 New York Vasava Visual designs . Image courtesy of Vasava/ Adobe GRAPHIC DESIGN: Vasava’s Visual designs for Adobe Summit 2014 illuminate major tourists attractions and landmarks in different cities Full Article »
A new graphic novel illustrated by Fernando Vicente, reveals Dracula as a fearful, devious, and mischievous character
Berlin Wall Guardians of Time, sculptures by Manfred Kielnhofer, float like a mirage through Berlin as part of the 25th year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Full Article »
Limited edition Video Stills from a video art project titled Watershed by Anita Glesta create awareness about the environment and the implications of global warming. VIDEO ART: Anita Glesta’s video art Full Article »
Jane Hilton, Trust No Man, 2012, one of the images from Nevada. C-type Hand Print, edition of 7.8 x 6.5 inc, Image courtesy of Nailya Alexander Gallery in New York Full Article »
Swoon, Submerged, Motherlands 2 includes a monumental tree that reminds viewers of the environment. Image: Brooklyn Museum ART PROJECT Swoon: Submerged Motherlands, on view at the Brooklyn Museum, New York Full Article »
Sunset at the fish market by photographer Matt Mawson is one of the images from his study of the Mexico fish market. Photo: Matt Mawson PHOTOGRAPHY: British Photographer Matt Mawson documents Full Article »
David Drumlin’s modern sculptures employ the emotive power of texture, shapes, and design to react to the glorification of material perfection in contemporary life.
An attack on the cheese-filled junk food. Photography: Leila Méndez. Image courtesy of Vasava ART DIRECTION The Brutal War on Junk Food and Obesity in America comes into focus in Full Article »
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues despite all efforts to curtail it. David Mesguich’s sculpture of a Palestinian worker sneaking across the Israeli borderline is a reminder of an unresolved gruesome conflict.