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    10 Ways to Celebrate National Puppy Day

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    10 Ways to Celebrate National Puppy Day

    Covered in a beautiful yellow, white, and red blanket,  this resting 12-week old Chocolate Labrador Retriever Puppy is an important reminder of why celebrate National Puppy Day. Photo: Rob Hanson. via Wikimedia

    LIFESTYLE| National Puppy Day

    When you celebrate National Puppy Day this year, you should not just lavish your cute furballs with gifts, you should also use the time to protest animal cruelty.


    Image: Jack Russell Puppies Eddi & Lola at the Beach, is a great reminder of the happiness puppies add to our lives and why we celebrate National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay #Dog

    Eddi & Lola, two Jack Russell Puppies at the Beach. Photo: Steve-65. via Wikimedia

    When Colleen Page, the pet and home lifestyle expert started the National Puppy Day in 2006, one of the issues on her mind was how to bring attention to cruelty against animals. For more than a decade, cruelty against puppies has increased, and many are getting killed by those who see them as expendable. From the callousness of Puppy Mills to the inhumane treatment of animals, Colleen has been doing what is necessary to bring attention to the maltreatment of puppies and other pets. That was why she started the National Puppy Day. The main ideas are to establish a day to celebrate puppies, encourage adoption, and highlight animal abuse. The annual celebration is held every March 23.

    To celebrate National Puppy Day this year, it is important to remind people that cruelty to animals is wrong. It does not matter if you have a puppy or not, the important thing is to make your voice heard. You can protest to your congressional representative of women by sending them letters and letting them that they need to pass laws against Puppy Mills.

    While you are protesting and educating people about cruelty to puppies and other pets, you should take the opportunity to celebrate puppies. As a puppy owner, you can buy pet toys for them or take them on a pet-friendly Vacation. Still don’t know how to celebrate National Puppy Day?

    Here are 10 ways to celebrate National Puppy Day with your furry friends.

    #1 Adopt a Puppy

    As you celebrate National Puppy Day, one of the ways you can help is to adopt a puppy from your local shelter, rescuer or pure breed rescue organization. There are so many puppies looking for homes. If you have space and time, adopt a puppy.  It will bring you and your family great joy.  If you are in Baltimore, one of the best places to adopt a puppy is the Maryland SPCA. You can get details of how to adopt on the organization’s website.

     #2 Donate to a Shelter

    If you are unable to adopt a pet, another way you can help celebrate National Puppy Day is to donate to a shelter near you. You can donate money, food, cleaning supplies, treats, fresh linen, and toys. Your monetary donation will not only support your shelter, but it will also save the lives of many dogs. Food and toys will directly benefit the puppies that will otherwise not have these benefits.   In Maryland, there are several places you can donate. They include the Animal Humane Society, Best Friends Animal Society, and many others.

    #3 Organize a Fund Raising Event

    Another way you can help celebrate National Puppy Day is to organize a fundraising event for your local shelter. Working in coordination with your local shelter, you can invite people in your community to donate at your fundraising event.  During the event, you can sell pictures of puppies and other things that will help raise money for the local shelter. Let your guests know that their donation will help the shelter. Above all, it will save the lives of puppies waiting to be adopted. Do not forget to ask your friends to adopt.

    #4 Take Your Puppy on a Friendly Vacation.

    There is no doubt that we love our puppies. Of course, they love us too. One way of showing that we love them back is to take them on a pet-friendly vacation. Many hotels across the country new accommodate travelers with pets.  You can take your puppy to places where they can run free and meet other dogs. The beach is one great example.

    #5 Host a Puppy Party

    Like humans, puppies also love to have fun.  One way to also celebrate National Puppy Day is to host a puppy party. Hosting a puppy part is just like having a party for human beings except that the focus here is puppies. For the puppy party, invite all your friends and their puppies. They can bring dog food and other fun things that puppies will love and enjoy. While the puppy party is a fun event for puppies, it is also an opportunity for puppy owners to party and share ideas and talk about taking care of their puppies. If you have friends who do not have puppies but what to attend, let them attend and contribute. The party also provides you with the opportunity to remind them to adopt a puppy.

    #6 Protest Puppy Mills and Animal Cruelty

    The intense breeding of puppies especially under cruel conditions has been a major bone of contention across the country. While some states have banned the practice, some are still debating what to do about cruelty to puppies and other kinds of pets. On the National Puppy Day, Write your Congressman or woman and ask that they support the ban of Puppy Mills in your state. You can also use the opportunity to highlight cruelty to animals, including dog fighting.

    #7 Volunteer to Celebrate National Puppy Day

    There are many opportunities to volunteer at animal shelters. During the National Puppy Day, take some time to volunteer at shelters near you. You can help feed puppies or even clean their pens. If you are unable to get to an animal shelter, you can take time in your neighborhood to assist ill or elderly neighbors by walking their puppies.

    #8 Teach Children to Not Bully Pets

    The National Puppy Day provides the opportunity to teach children not to bully pets and puppy. It is not only people who are bullied; Animals get bullied too. It is well documented that some children can be very cruel to pets, especially puppies. They kick them, throw stuff at them, pull their ears and tail and even yank at their chains, causing them to suffer broken spines. Bullying puppies cause trauma that follows the puppies throughout their lives. To prevent such trauma, it is important to teach children and some adults not to be cruel to animals.

    #9 Show the World You Love Your puppy

    It is one thing to say you love your puppy and another to show it. When you celebrate National Puppy Day, do something to show the world that you love your puppy. In addition to buying all that good stuff, you can also have a tee-shirt made with your puppy’s photo on it. You can add the Phrase “I Love My Puppy” to the picture. This way you are not only showing your puppy that you love him, but you are also letting the world know that you love your puppy. Additionally, you can create pictures of your puppy with magnets on the back. You can put it on your refrigerator and even share them with friends.

    #10 Feed Your Puppies Better Meals

    There are so many dog foods out there that are not good for your puppy. Although the manufacturers say they contain good ingredients, some of them can be harmful to your puppy. So, as you celebrate National Puppy Day, remember to throw out those dangerous foods that can harm your puppy and look that will enhance his health. Read the labels and make sure they do not contain dangerous chemicals.

    What are you doing to celebrate National Puppy Day? Share your thoughts and photos. Follow Us:  Facebook– TwitterGoogle+


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