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    Sculptures Reveal Hani Faisal’s Vision of Life in Egypt

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Sculptures Reveal Hani Faisal’s Vision of Life in Egypt

    Hani Faisal, Contemplating, granite  52x68x34 cm 2014. Sculptures.  Image courtesy of Al Masar Gallery


    Sculptures of Humans and Animals by Hani Faisal reveals a passion for details


    Image: Hani Faisal's sculpture titled 'Sleeping' is one of the sculptures by the artist with the theme of sleep -Art

    Hani Faisal, Sleeping, granite 53x20x17, 2014. Image courtesy of Al Masar Gallery

    CAIRO, EGYPT- Sculptures by Hani Faisal, one of Egypt’s renowned and talented sculptors, are presently on display at the Al Masar Gallery in Egypt. Titled A Dialogue of Life, the art exhibition features Faisal’s latest sculptures of granite, bronze, and wood. The sculptures reflect the artist’s vision on the relationship between light and composition which is the hallmark of his contemporary sculptures.

    Faisal’s sculptures are inspired by everyday people he observes engaged in daily life activities. He is fascinated by expressions, compositions and body language of the people he sees around him as they illuminate their internal emotions.

    One of the sculptures in A Dialogue of Life reveals Faisal’s power of observation. Titled Standing Girl, the granite sculpture captures a woman dressed in a long white dress. On her head is a scarf knotted in a style many Egyptians are familiar with. With her hands in front of her, the woman rests on one leg as if impatiently waiting for someone who is running late.

    On the woman’s face is a calm and yet anxious expression. But Faisal’s attention is not just on the woman’s mannerisms but also her beauty. The woman’s elegance and covertures are diligently rendered to lure the viewer. That charm is accentuated by the black and white contrast of the sculpture.

    Besides humans engaged in everyday activities, Faisal also has a fascination for birds and animals. A Dialogue of Life includes some exceptional birds and animal sculptures. Contemplating, a granite sculpture of an eagle captures the bird of prey a moment before making a decision. While it is uncertain what the bird is pondering, the manner in which the bird’s head is turned as if scrutinizing a prey, reveals Faisal’s power of observation and ability to render details.

    A Dialogue of Life is not Faisal first time at the Al Masar Gallery. In 2009, he was one the six sculptors in Continuity: Adam Henien and the Six Sculptors at the gallery. The show put Faisal in the limelight as one the artists to look forward to in contemporary Egyptian art.    Since that art exhibition, Faisal has continued to prove that he is a brilliant sculpture with an outstanding ability to render light. His fine compositions and the capacity to use light to reveal emotion stands him out from his peers.

    Born 1968 in Cairo, Hani Faisal graduated from the Faculty of Art Education in 1991. Currently teaching sculpture at Faculty of Specific Education–Cairo University, he has participated in several exhibitions. One of his major sculptures is part of the collection of the open Air sculpture Museum in Aswan. Faisal has also participated several times in Aswan International Sculpture symposium, and other symposiums in Europe and the Middle East.

    Faisal sculptures on display at the Al Masar Gallery shows the artist’s outstanding ability to give life to granite, bronze, and wood. A 5th Generation of the Egyptian art movement, Faisal sculptures are engaging.  His dexterous composition, ability to manipulate expressions and render body language give his sculptures their unique characteristics.

    Image: Hani Faisal's sculpture titled Standing Girl is one the sculptures on display at the Al Masar Gallery in Egypt-Art

    Hani Faisal, Standing Girl granite 76x15x12 cm 2014. Image courtesy of Al Masar Gallery

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