Maximize your art career with social media and art marketing strategies. Get tips for selling art, engaging followers, and growing your art business online.
Learn how to sell your artwork without gallery representation using these proven art marketing techniques.
Learn how community-led beautification projects can transform your neighborhood into a vibrant, beautiful, and inviting space.
These important marketing tips will help you generate excitement for your pop-up art event and attract many art lovers. Try them and enjoy the amazing result.
Discover essential social etiquette for art exhibition openings and art galas. Learn how to dress, engage in conversations, appreciate artwork, and leave a lasting impression.
Flowers are beautiful, but the bouquets you make are even more stunning. Arrange beautiful flower bouquets perfectly with the tips in our guide.
Art is a great way to earn an extra income, especially for artists who do it as a hobby. Here are four ways to increase sales of your artwork.
When pursuing an art career, there’s no better way to display your talent and personality than by creating an art portfolio and showing off your work. Let these tips guide you.
Being an artist is not easy. It comes with challenges, such as getting your art noticed. Here are a few tips for making your art stand out from the competition.
Are you having problems selling prints of your artwork online? These tips will teach you how to sell prints of your artwork and make money online.
Kaho Shibuya, Jose Estrada, and KingChris are some of the online content creators that will attend this year’s Otakon.
Broadway has been flourishing since it reopened after more than a year of closure due to the Coronavirus. Here is how TikTok helped Broadway come alive again.
Music artist LALoveTheBoss is set to release her first single titled Monkey to thrill hip-hop fans and music lovers.
Many watercolorists are turning to Facebook Watercolor Groups to improve their skills by sharing watercolor paintings and discussing tips and techniques. Here are the top 30 Facebook groups for watercolor artists.
Participating in art fairs like the Baltimore ArtScape is one of 10 proven ways young artists can get their art noticed in the crowded art space. Image: Kazad FEATURES/ART Getting Full Article »
Artist websites are becoming more engaging as artists make effort to captivate website visitors. Here are 10 Amazing Artist Websites That Will Captivate You.
Jerry L. Kirk, Portrait Of A Man Who watches Fox News All Day, 11″x17.” Charcoal & acrylic paint on paper ©Jerry L. Kirk. Jerry L. Kirk is a member of The Full Article »
Stained Glass- Blues on the Mirror depicts how artists and art institutions are using social media sites. Some social media networks include Google, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and others. Photo KAZAD/ARTCENTRON Full Article »