People having fun-during a recent event at Skate Zone, one of Baltimore’s best roller skating rinks. Image courtesy of Skate Zone
BALTIMORE, MD– E. Brady Robinson’s photographs of amazing women roller-skating around Baltimore have rekindled the joy of roller skating in Marylanders. The excitement on the women’s faces shows that roller skating is a major source of happiness for people of all ages. Hopefully, Baltimoreans will take up roller-skating as the country gradually escapes from the icy grip of the COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed more than six million lives. For those interested in roller skating, there are many roller skating rinks across Baltimore they can visit to learn from and have fun with other roller skaters. Many of these roller skating rings are guided by the Roller Skating Rinks Association (RSA). The Association was established in 1937 by a group of skating center owners to promote roller skating and establish good business practices for skating rinks.
There are many reasons to take up roller skating. In addition to all the fun that comes with skating, it can also be beneficial to your health. Here are some health benefits of roller skating
For those who continue to ask, “Is roller-skating a good form of exercise?”, the answer is yes, especially when it comes to improving cardiovascular health. Roller skating can help improve cardiovascular health. It is a form of exercise that keeps the heart pumping, ensuring efficient blood flow from the heart to other parts of the body. So, for all those interested in improving cardiovascular health, roller skating may be the ideal exercise.
Can I lose weight roller skating? The answer is yes because it is an efficient way to lose calories and weight. Roller skating requires skaters to be in constant movement. This helps ensure the loss of calories and body fat. There is also a lot of sweating, too. If you ask regular roller skaters, they will tell you that roller skating is ideal for those who want to lose weight.
People who are interested in building strength and stamina but do not like weight lifting and jogging can take up roller skating. Although roller skating can be fun, it is an intense exercise that requires a lot of energy. To get to that energy level, build strength, and stamina, it is important to start slow. Going too fast could lead to injuries. A roller skate trainer can provide the necessary guidance on how to proceed to improve strength and stamina while roller skating.
This is one benefit of roller skating that people often overlook. For regular roller skaters, especially those who go to roller skating rinks, having fun is the goal. The music, people, socialization, and all the dancing engender a feeling of happiness. That experience sends messages to the brain, helping to improve mental health.
Roller skating requires adequate balance. It is always funny watching newbies skaters trying to balance as they try to sharpen their skating skills. With time and persistence, they often get better. Achieving that balance is one of the joys of roller skating.
Before going to any roller skating rink, it is important to have the necessary equipment and gear. Although roller-skating is exciting, it can also be dangerous, especially for beginners. Even professional skaters who have been roller-skating for years are very careful. They wear various protective roller skating gear for safety.
There are several indoor roller skating rinks in Baltimore, Maryland. They provide additional excitement to the outdoor skating spots and packs around Baltimore. Some of the indoor skating rinks permit inline skating. Baltimore skating rinks are just places that people go for skating. Many of them host important fun and special events like birthdays, all-you-can-eat pizza sessions, gospel evenings, derby games, fundraisers, and many others.
For those who do not have cars, there is public transportation that can take them to various roller skating rinks spread across Baltimore, Maryland. Most of the roller skating rinks are open every day and stay open during the weekend. However, it is always better to call ahead of time. We have included on our list other roller skating rinks in the DMV. Why? Well, some Baltimoreans who love roller skating prefer to go far to have fun.