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    Face Mask Required at Otakon 2021. Social Distancing, Too

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Face Mask Required at Otakon 2021. Social Distancing, Too

    Cosplay at a recent Otakon Convention. Face Mask Required at this year’s event. Photo: Kazad/ARTCENTRON

    Face Mask Required for all fans of anime, manga, and video games attending Otakon 2021 in Washington, D.C. to curtail the spread of Coronavirus.


    WASHINGTON, D.C. -All attendees at this year’s Otakon Convention must wear masks.  According to Otakorp Inc, organizers of the annual event, the objective is to keep everyone at the anime festival safe. Otakorp requires everyone over the age of 2 wear their masks at all times.” This year’s event will take place from August 6-8 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

    Face Mask Required at Otakon 2021 Venues

    Although proof of vaccination is not mandatory for entry, the organizer of the festival recommends all eligible individuals get any of the coronavirus vaccines if attending Otakon. Organizers are also emphasizing social distancing in accordance with the Center for Diseases Control. While masks are mandatory for all those attending this year’s event, there are exceptions during some events to make the convention run smoothly. Exceptions to mask-wearing include:

    • Presenters during panels or workshops while socially distanced
    • Cosplayers photos sessions while social distanced
    • While eating or drinking in designated areas
    • For the convenience of lips reading by a person who is deaf or hard of hearing
    • Other areas as approved by Otakon Staff

    Environmentally Safe Surface Protection and Disinfection

    In addition to efforts by Otakon organizers to keep guests safe, the Walter E. Washington Convention Center will also be providing enhanced cleaning including environmentally safe surface protection and disinfection. There will also be daily deep cleaning cycles. Additionally, the Center will coat surfaces such as door handles with antimicrobial and antiviral surface coatings to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  

    The convention center hospital-grade air filtration systems, including dry hydrogen peroxide and UV disinfection, will ensure guests are safe throughout the event. There will be plasmacluster ionization technology in all elevators and UV light continuous sanitation on all escalator handrails.

    Otakon is the first major convention event in D.C. since things started reopening. Consequently, everything is in the works to make people safe from the dreadful COVID-19 that has claimed millions of lives across the globe. As performance venues and restaurants reopen, there is a commitment by the organizers of Otakon to work with partners to kicking-start the tourism and event industry again. For more than a year, the tourism, hospitality, and event industry have been closed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The numerous vaccines are rekindling hope for the future of tourism and hospitality in Washington, D.C.

    Travel restrictions and mandatory quarantine

    This year’s Otakon may not be as flamboyant as other years. One reason is the travel restrictions and mandatory quarantine requirements that may inhibit the invitation of international guests.  Another reason is the cut down in hours to allow the convention center adequate time to clean the venue. High-traffic events such as Otakon Dance may not happen this year. Other changes to help ensure safety are in the works. “Otakon is dedicated to the safety of its membership and will be following any CDC and local guidelines that may still be in effect at the time of the convention,” notes the organizer of the event.

    Face Mask Mandatory to Make Otakon 2021 Eventful and Safe

    Notwithstanding the present challenges, organizers want to make Otakon 2021 an eventful occasion for guests. “We have been so eager to be able to put on an event, and we can’t wait to see our Otakon friends and family again,” says Otakorp President Brooke Zerrlaut. She believes that “2021 will be a year and an Otakon to remember.” As expected, she is looking forward to capturing the “reopening excitement.”

    In its twenty-seventh year, Otakon is a major attraction for anime, manga, and video games from across the globe.  Over 35,000 people attend this annual convention that celebrates Japanese and East Asian popular culture.

    Are you attending this year’s Otakon Convention? What do yo think about the mask mandate? Share your thoughts. ;eave a comment.


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