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    Brawlhalla Set to Launch on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Brawlhalla Set to Launch on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

    Brawlhalla is expected to gain an even greater audience as it launches on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

    ART NEWS: With more than 15 million players on PS4 & PC, Brawlhalla is expected to gain an even greater audience as it prepares to launch on  Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in November.


    SAN FRANCISCO — Ubisoft announced Tuesday that Brawlhalla, its free-to-play platform fighter game will be launching on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in November.  With more than 15 million players on PC and PlayStation4 computer entertainment system, this move is expected to gain an even greater audience for this already popular game.

    The announcement that Brawlhalla will be available on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch is coming six months after Ubisoft acquired Blue Mammoth Games, developer of the game. In its acquisition of Blue Mammoth Games in March, Ubisoft promised to expand the audience for many of the games developed by the company. Brawlhalla is one of them.

    An epic free-to-play platform fighting game, Brawlhalla combines amazing visuals and storytelling to captivate game players across the globe.  The game brings players to the fight for glory in the halls of Valhalla.

    Brawlhalla characters are engaging. Set in Valhalla,  a heaven for warriors built by Odin, King of the Gods,  warriors come together to combat each other for victory. However,  that was not the intention when Odin first conceived the idea of the Valhalla hall.  It was supposed to be a place where warriors converge to have fun.

    To fill Valhalla hall, Odin instructed the Valkyries, beautiful goddesses of war, to transverse the universe to find some of the greatest warriors. Soon, the adventure takes a twist for the unexpected. In their search for warriors,  the Valkyries brings back not only Vikings, but also legendary warriors of every description, including pirates, cowboys, Mongol warriors, Amazons, even monsters, and aliens roamed the hall. Odin was not amused.

    ART NEWS| Read Also:  Ubisoft Acquires Blue Mammoth Games 

    With no excitement, boredom and restlessness got a grip of the agitated warriors. Before long, they began to engage each other in constant battles. Fights spilled out of the Great Hall, and Asgard was smashed to rubble repeatedly.

    Caught in a dilemma, Odin knew he must find a way to deal with the impending catastrophe. Frustrated he decided to set up the grand tournament. The contest allows warriors from every time and place to fight to become champion, while the Valkyries constantly venture everywhere to bring back warriors who will earn them honor.

    Brawlhalla gameplay is flushed with deep characterization and rounded characters. Players can choose from over 40 unique characters and can jump into single-player and co-op modes as well as online and local competitions. So popular is the game that there are annual competitions among players. The third annual Brawlhalla World Championship will take place at Dreamhack Atlanta November 16-18.

    Brawlhalla can now be played on Nintendo Switch. The epic- free- to- play fighting game is a multiplayer adventure that brings players of different skill levels together.  Not surprising, Brawlhalla download is in the millions and continues to grow.

    What do you think about the launching on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch? Share your thoughts. Leave a comment.


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