Friday 28th March 2025,


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    Baltimore Largest Art Show Returns Labor Day

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Baltimore Largest Art Show Returns Labor Day

    A beautiful 2.05 Carat old European cut diamond emerald Sapphire platinum ring, is one of the pieces of jewelry to be offered by Jack Weir & Sons at Baltimore Largest Art Show.


    Maryland’s largest art and antique event and one of the most anticipated summer shows  return Labor Day Weekend


    BALTIMORE, MARYLAND- The Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show, Maryland’s largest antiques event returns Labor day.  The art fair is the most important and anticipated show of the summer for dealers and collectors.  The venue is the Baltimore Convention Center. In its 38th year, the highly anticipated summer event brings together countless international exhibitors from the United States, Canada, France, Italy, England, China, and Japan.

    As with other years, the fair will include vintage and estate jewelry, American and European silver, and furniture of all kinds. There will also be art glass, ceramics, quilts, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, lamps, and ethnic art.  Additionally, dealers will have paintings, decoys, Chinese export, bronzes, music boxes. Art lovers interested in sewing collectibles, oriental rugs, textiles, posters, antique armor, and political memorabilia will love the collections.

    Scott Diament, CEO of the Palm Beach Show Group is excited the show is back in Baltimore. He noted:

    We are thrilled to be bringing the show back to Baltimore for the 38th consecutive year. Each year the Baltimore show expands the variety of genres on offer which reinforces its reputation as the largest art, antique, and jewelry show, not only in Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic region but in the United States.

    Baltimore Largest Art Show

    Image: An oil on canvas painting titled Villefranche Sur Mer, France by Marguerite Bermond (1911-1991), one of the paintings to be offered by Carole Pinto Fine Arts at Baltimore's largest art, antiques, & Jewelry Show Jack Weir & Sons

    Marguerite Bermond (1911-1991), Villefranche Sur Mer, France. Oil on Canvas. Image: Carole Pinto Fine Arts

    More than 200,000 individual items will be on sale during the fair. Highlights will include a Norman Rockwell painting titled Boy Graduate, offered by M.S. Rau Antiques; a vintage antique 1941 Bally Quarter Reliance slot machine offered by Maryland dealer, Larry Debaugh; and a wheel thrown, carved sculpted, high-fired porcelain with Celadon glaze titled Double Dragon with Ruby Eyes on display by Lee Gallery & Studios.

    The Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show is held in the most conducive atmosphere. Accentuated with lush carpets,  lavish floral arrangements, and full-service restaurants, the ambiance is exquisite.  This is the must-attend event for novice buyers and serious collectors. It attracts tens of thousands of patrons, including knowledgeable collectors, museum curators, dealers, decorators, and shoppers from all over the World.

    The Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show is more than a retail show.  With an extensive array of prominent estate jewelers, antiquarian book dealers, and exhibitors offering everything from majolica to contemporary art and fine crafts, there is something for everyone at the show.

    The quality and quantity of antique and fine estate jewelry on offer is the attraction for many knowledgeable patrons seeking bargains for both personal use and resale inventory. In addition, the show boasts quality dealers specializing in Japanese and Chinese art and antiques. Show guests will discover many great items ranging from $100 to museum-quality treasures with values of more than $1,000,000.

    What is your favorite part of Baltimore’s Largest Art show, Antique & Jewelry Show? Share your thoughts. Leave a comment.


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