Thursday 27th March 2025,
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    Artcentron Introduces Love Art T-shirts for World Art Day Celebration

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Artcentron Introduces Love Art T-shirts for World Art Day Celebration


    Artcentron Introduces Love Art T-Shirts in Celebration of World Art Day and Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most celebrated artists of the High Renaissance

    In celebration of World Art Day, Artcentron has launched art T-shirts that will help art lovers show their love of art.  The T-shirts are in different colors and have the slogan “Love Art”. “We think that as part of the World Art Day celebrations, it is important for people to also have something they can take with them to show their love of art,” explained the company’s representative on why they have created the Love Art T-shirts.  “As we grow as a company, we continue to get more integrated into the art world, celebrating important art festivals and other major art events,” he added.  The Love Art T-shirts are now on sale. You can buy them here.

    Image: A beautiful Love Art T-Shirts with the slogan 'Love Art' launched byArtcentron to celebrate the World Art Day and the birth of Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most celebrated artists of the High Renaissance

    ARTCENTRON Love Art T-shirts launched as part of the World Art Day Celebrations. Buy it here.  Image Artcentron

    The World Art Day began on April 5-6, 2011, when the 17th General Assembly of AIAP / IAA World meeting in Guadalajara voted unanimously to approve a day dedicated to celebrating art. The proposal brought by Turkey and co-signed by several world delegate countries was seen as a step in the right direction.  In furtherance of that agreement, the AIAP General Assembly also accepted that April 15, the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, becomes World Art Day.  Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is one of the greatest artists of all times. Although he is known as one of the three most important artists of the High Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci was also a contemplative and creative thinker, scientist, and an inventor. He was a genius by all standards.

    Since inception, people around the world have been having art parties, exhibitions, and seminars to celebrate the World Art Day. In museums and art galleries, exhibitions are held with a particular purpose of making art accessible to many art lovers. This year is no exception.   It is as a part of that celebration that Artcentron is launching the new Love Art T-shirts. “They are a great way for people to show their love for art.  You should buy one for yourself and your friends too. They are unique and come in different sizes.

    The Love Art T-shirts can be worn by men, women, and children. They are perfect for teachers, students, and all those who love art.  The Love Art T-shirts are a great way to show your love for art when we visit museums, art galleries, and other important art institutions,” explain the company’s spokesperson. In this era when there is so much cut to art budget, it is important for people to show their love for art in any way necessary. The Love Art T-shirts is an opportunity to show visual artists, contemporary artists, and artists in our neighborhood that we care about them. Additionally, in the fight for an increase to art budgets, equality in art, equal representation, censorship, and the right for artistic expression, the Love Art T-shirts is an opportunity to express advocacy and support for the arts.

    In addition to the Love Art T-shirts, Artcentron plans to introduce more art related t-shirts. “We will be creating more of the art T-shirts. This is in continuation of growth as a company. When we started out, we knew we would be producing art T-shirts as the second phase of our growth. It is our hope that it will be a major part of our company as we continue to grow. So, help us grow. Buy a Love Art T-shirt”.

    Join us as we celebrate World Art Day. Buy Artcentron Love Art T-Shirts?  Share your comments. Follow Us: Facebook– TwitterGoogle+


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