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    Top 15 Best Pet Birds That Talk and Sing

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Top 15 Best Pet Birds That Talk and Sing

    Domestic canaries are beautiful pet birds that sing. They are also great pets for bird lovers. Photo: Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez. via Wikimedia


    As pet owners search for the best pet birds well-suited for companionship, this amazing list of pet birds will enhance their chances of finding the right pet bird.


    Pet Birds. Do you want a bird as your pet?  In the selection of pets, many people often follow tradition by choosing pets they are familiar with. Top on the list are dogs and cats. There are so many dog breeds that pet lovers have an endless choice in the selection of the ones that suit their needs. There is American Bulldog, Terrier, Airedale Terrier, Alaskan Klee Kai, Alaskan Malamute, American Pit Bull Terrier, Appenzeller Sennenhund, Beagle, Belgian Shepherd, Bull Terrier, Irish Terrier, and many others. Those who prefer cats also have endless choices.  Some of the top cat breeds for pet owners include American Shorthair, American Wirehair, Australian Mist, Birman, Brazilian Shorthair, British Shorthair, and Donskoy among many others.

    Pet Birds, Dog or Cats

    However, while many pet owners follow tradition, others are finding new paths and are selecting birds as pets. Like other kinds of pets, those selecting birds as pets also have many species to pick from. They include African Grey, Amazon, Budgerigar (Parakeet), Cockatiel, Cockatoo, Conure, Lovebird, Macaw, Poicephalus, Psittacula and many others. These birds will make amazing pets for bird lovers.

    First Step: Learn About Pet Birds

    But before rushing to the neighborhood pet store to get a pet bird, it is important to learn everything you can about the bird you are choosing as your pet.  Some of the issues to consider when looking for a pet bird include the size of the bird, behavior and temperament, time commitment, nutrition, and how much it will cost to maintain.  Finding answers to these important questions will help you understand if you are capable of taking care of a bird or even if you can have a pet bird. If after considering all these factors you are still interested in getting a bird as your pet, below are some of the top pet birds that have served as great pets for other bird lovers.  These are just a few of the pet birds that bird loves have made their feathered friends. They are not in any particular order.

    Here are some of the top 15 Pet Birds that will make you forget about dogs and cats.

    Image: This beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet at Denver Zoo, Colorado is an important example of pet birds that talk that will serve as great pets for bird loves.

    A Rainbow Lorikeet at Denver Zoo, Colorado, USA. Photo: William Andrus. via Wikimedia

    #1 Domestic Canary:

    Generally known as Canary, these birds have served as pet birds since the 17th century.  They are members of the Flinch family and are from the Macaronesian Islands, which includes Canary, Azores, and Madeira.  In general, there are two species of the Canary: Wild and domestic. The wild Canaries have a greenish-yellow over their body with yellow under path. The domestic Canaries, on the other hand, are very distinct and come in an array of colors, including orange, white, red, and yellow.

    A major fascination for the Domestic Canaries is not just their alluring colors but also their singing abilities. Perhaps this is their strongest quality.  However, it is important to mention that anyone interested in a Domestic Canaries because of their singing abilities should go for the male because they sing better than the female.

    Caring for Domestic Canary is not too demanding.  For housing, all you need is a cage with enough space for the bird to fly around. Experts have noted that clipping their wings is a bad idea because it inhibits them from flying and getting the necessary exercise for survival.  Although domestic canaries do not need a lot of food, they require adequate care. Good quality seeds are essential.  Owners can also treat their pets with leafy greens, apples, oranges, bananas, raw spinach, strawberries and many of the good stuff they need to live a good life.

    #2 Cockatiels:

    Cockatiels are one of the favorites of those who love to have birds as pets.  They are compatible, affectionate, and are never shy about showing their love.  Cockatiels display fondness by snuggling and showering their owners with kisses. If you have long hair, they will play with it in their show of love.  Additionally, they will whistle to get your attention.  Cockatiels have high sensibilities and know when you are tired. Once they notice that, they will give you some love by snuggling with you.  These birds love spending time with their owner.  But just as they give love, they expect love in return.  They appreciate it when their owners give them snacks and scratch them behind the head.

    Cockatiels are inexpensive to keep and maintain. Except for the cost of veterinary for the annual checkup, they are easy to maintain.   They do not need a big cage, big toys, and some of those expensive bird pet foods.

    #3 African Grey Parrots:

    African Grey Parrots are intelligent, sensitive and quiet.  These traits make them endearing to those who keep them as pets.  There are two main species of African Grey Parrots: The Timneh African Grey and the Congo African Grey. The African Grey is a loving, affectionate, and independent bird. But, perhaps, their greatest quality is the ability to recognize human emotions. They can easily pick up when one is sad or happy. If they discover any negative emotion, they will cuddle as a way of making their owner feel better.

    The African Grey is not a big bird and thus easy to handle. However, getting one and setting up a cage can be expensive. So also are the toys. Additionally, providing high-quality bird pallets for African Grey can be pricey.  Despite that, African Grey Parrots are great birds to keep as pet birds. Above all, their ability to show love and affection is worth more than money.

    Image: African Grey Parrots are smart and can talk, making them of the pet birds that talk and serve as amazing pets.

    African Grey Parrot at the Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park, Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Photo: Dick Daniels. via Wikimedia

    #4 Budgerigars or Budgies:

    Also known as budgies or parakeets, Budgerigars are playful, affectionate and easy to maintain as pet birds. They are less expensive than other birds. One reason many people keep them as pets is their small size and the fact that they do not need a lot of space to keep as pets. All that is necessary is a large cage, ladder, and playpens. Budgerigars do not make a lot of noise and are not destructive.  However, there are times that they just want to be free. In that instance, they can take over the house to do whatever interests them. That is part of having Budgerigars as pet birds.  Additionally, they do not damage furniture and their toys can last a very long time.  Budgerigars area great company and they are very charming, energetic, and talkative, too.  Sometimes, they show off when they play.

    #5 Cockatoos: Charming  Pet Birds

    There are many species of Cockatoos but the one often used as pets is the Umbrella Cockatoos.  These charming birds that love to talk and perform tricks.  They are gentle, loving and intelligent. If you have the time, you can teach them many tricks, including how to play basketball and play catch. Cockatoos are large-sized birds and need a lot of attention.  They need large cages and are able to easily destroy expensive toys that you may buy for them.  Suffice to say that Cockatoos are also rather expensive to maintain.

    #6 Conures:

    Among this species, the Green–Cheeked Conures are perhaps the most sought after by those who love birds as pets.  They are great as pets, especially for the first time bird owner.  Many of them are gentle, affectionate, loveable, sweet, loyal, smart, and often very quiet.  Conures are also full of love. It is because of this that some people describe them as pets that will “love you to death”.

    Green-Cheeked Conures are also easy to maintain: they do not destroy their toys and their cages last for a very long time.   If you have the time, you can also teach them tricks.  Green-Cheeked Conures can also be very protective. They are often very interested in the safety of their owners and do their best to protect them. Although they are talkative, the few words they learn are used to delight their owner.

    #7 Macaws: Beautiful Pet Birds

    Of the many species of Macaws, the Blue-and-Gold Macaws and Hahn Macaws are the most popular.  Those who have the Hahn Macaws have described them as beautiful, smart, sweet, and affectionate. They are also very smart, personable, and interactive. Blue-and-Gold Macaws and Hahn Macaws are not noisy birds but can easily pick up words and names when spoken around them.  As pet birds, these birds have marvelous mimicry ability and can regurgitate what they hear. So, be careful what you say around them because they may say it back to you one day.

    Hahn Macaws are not difficult to maintain.  As medium-sized birds, they are easy to care for. They do not require extremely large care or a special diet. However, they need a large variety of vegetables and grains.   For fun, they like tearing paper plates and cardboard roll inserts from paper towels.

    Although many people prefer Hahn Macaws, there are those who love the Blue-and-Gold Macaws.  For these people, they are the best pets ever.  They are intelligent, sweet, and have great dispositions. While some Macaws are easy to care for, others can very expensive to maintain. The large Macaws are expensive because they require a lot of attention.  Caring for them can be time-consuming especially when it comes to feeding and cleaning.  In addition to a large cage, they also require expensive toys. Macaws also require fresh foods and vegetables daily. For those who have them as pets, however, if you are able to overcome those hurdles, they are great pet bird.

    #8 Zebra Finches: 

    Zebra Finches have been kept as pets for centuries.  Originally from the arid areas of Central Australia, they can also be found in Indonesia and East Timor. In modern times, people have continued to keep them as bird pets, perhaps because of their availability and price. For beginners, Zebra Finches are great pet birds because they are easy to maintain and require a minimal time commitment.  The ideal housing for a Zebra Finch is a large flight cage or an aviary for housing finches.  This provides them with enough space to fly around and exercise.  For their survival, it is important to keep them in pairs. For food, Zebra Finches will thrive on a pelleted based diet. You can also give them treats specifically manufactured Zebra Finches.

    #9 Poicephalus:

    Senegal Parrots are the most favored as pets from the Poicephalus parrot species.  They are amusing, smart and can easily learn new tricks. Although shy, Senegal Parrots are boisterous.  They are fast learners and eloquent.  The Senegal Parrots are easy to care for and do not need a lot of space. Taking care of them is not as demanding as other parrots.

    #10 Amazon Parrots:

    As a bird lover, if you are looking for a great pet bird, one of your best bets is the Amazon Parrot. Amazon Parrots have strong personalities and are affectionate.  These are birds with dynamic characteristics: they can be funny, happy, and feisty at the same time.  Amazon Parrots are easy to keep and maintain. As long as they are adequately cared for, they are happy. Amazon Parrots are emotional birds who love to cuddle, talk, and show affection. However, they want you to reciprocate when they show affection.

    #11 Quaker Parrots:

    Quaker Parrots are birds that any bird pet owner will appreciate. They have a powerful personality and love to have fun. However, it is illegal to own these birds in several states.  In states where people can have Quaker Parrots, the desire to own one is high compared to other birds, perhaps, because they are beautiful birds.  Quaker Parrots are easy to maintain and do not need expensive toys. They are satisfied with just paper towels and toilet paper rolls.  Of course, you can spoil them if you have the means. They are not noisy or destructive. To make it better, they love a varied diet.

    #12 Rainbow Lorikeets:

    Rainbow Lorikeets are some of the most beautiful birds you can have as pets.  Generally known as Rainbow Lory, there are more than 22 subspecies of this bird.  They are colorful and stunningly elegant. Their bright reds and greens, vibrant blues and violets, and splotches of lemon-yellow flow into intense oranges, giving them grace and elegance. Rainbow Lories dramatic appearance and wonderful temperament make them a popular companion among fanciers.

    Although it is easy to be captivated by the beauty of the Rainbow Lory, this is not a bird pet for everyone because it needs more care and attention than the ordinary pet birds. As pets Rainbow Lories require highly specific dietary. Unlike most parrots that require a commonly available diet, Lories require a much different diet because their gizzard is not as powerful and is unable to crush seeds. In the wild, their main diet includes bananas, oranges, melon, and apples. They also eat flowers, such as hibiscus. In captivity, however, it is necessary to feed them nectar made specifically for Lories to help them maintain good health.

    Housing needs for Lories can also be on the high side. In addition to a large cage, it is important to invest in a shower perch because Lories are constantly taking baths and therefore need a shower bath in their cage.  You also have to constantly get them new toys because they can easily damage their toys.  Cleaning can also be demanding.  To add to the challenges of caring for Lories, the Rainbow Lories are noisy birds.

    Despite all the negatives, Rainbow Lories can be great pet birds. They are intelligent and fast at learning new words and phrases. They are also able to learn tricks and other behaviors. While their intelligence is a major point of attraction, it is also important to keep an eye on them because one of the ways they use their intelligence is to escape from the cage. Therefore, be wise and outsmart them by keeping cages locked.  They can also raise your blood pressure by sleeping laying upside-down on their back.  So, before rushing to the vet or concluding your dear pet is dead, please check for a pulse.

    #13 Pionus Parrots:

    There are several species of Pionus Parrots. However, the best known are the Blue-Headed Pionus and the Maximilian’s Pionus. The Maximilian’s Pionus is a favorite for many pet bird owners. One of the characteristics that endear them to pet owners is their outstanding ability to learn new words and use them. In addition to their smartness, they are also very often well-behaved and quiet most of the time.  These are not high maintenance birds and are easy to house and feed. Maximilian’s Pionus eat standard parrot mix diet with thawed frozen vegetables.  These are attention-seeking birds and demand devotion from their owners.

    Although Maximilian’s Pionus are the favorite of most bird owners, this is not to say that some bird lovers do not like Blue-Headed Pionus. Blue-Headed Pionus can also be a great pet for bird pet lovers. They are playful and easy to maintain. They do not need a large cage or expensive toys.

    #14 Chickens:

    It is always easy to forget chicken when we talk about pet birds. Interestingly, chickens have been used as pets for ages.  Although using chickens as pets lost its glory many years ago, however, it recently regained popularity when urban and suburban residents began to keep them as pet birds in early 2000.  Many people may not know it, but chickens are smart and can perform tricks if you take the time to teach them. For those who keep or are interested in keeping chickens as pets, there are so many breeds to select from, including Silkies, Polish, Cochins, Brahmas, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Buff Orpingtons.

    Whichever breed you choose, chickens are easy to maintain. For their home, you need a chicken coop, which is where they will live. If you have a big space, they can also be allowed to roam around. However, it is important to know the laws about owning chickens and letting them roam freely in your district.  Chickens have to be fed regularly and their favorite meal is white millet. Of course, there other types of food they love to eat. The important thing is to know your chickens.  Although must chickens are peaceful, some can be aggressive. If you have a cockerel as a pet bird, for instance, it is important to be watchful. Some of them are known to attack people for no apparent reason.

    #15 Doves:

    There is a stigma about doves that make them unattractive to many pet owners. But if you can get over that stigma, dove can be great pet birds. In fact, many people have kept doves as pets for ages. They are loving and easy to train. There are great stories about doves carrying messages and saving soldiers’ lives during the early wars.  The most popular doves used as pet birds include the Diamond dove and the Ring-Neck Dove. Doves can be found across the world except for Antarctica.

    Caring for doves does not require too much commitment.  Doves are generally social animals and, therefore, they should be kept in pairs or even flocks.  Their cage should be large enough for them to spread their wings and play. Doves also need healthy perches in their care to keep them strong and healthy.  For them to be healthy, it is important to keep their cages clean.

    Doves enjoy a range of food. Some of their staples include seed, vegetables, and fruits. They also like bird seeds. This is in addition to a dark leafy green, which can be offered every other day.  Experts think it is important to feed doves fruits such as apple, banana, and melon once a week. In addition to other care, it is important for doves to have access to fresh clean water at all times.  Above all, when they are good, it is important to reward them by offering them treats like honey sticks or millet spray.

    Although people started keeping birds as pets more than 17th century ago, there is a renewed interest in the present time among people who do not want to go the traditional way of dogs and cats and are keeping birds as pets. The birds mentioned here are some of the favorites of those with pet birds. These birds bring joy to their owners.  Bird pet owners exercised due diligence in the selection of their pets and that is why they find joy in them.  Again, before selecting a bird as your pet, it is important to find out everything possible about the bird. While many of these birds are great pets, they also deserve a lot of attention especially when they fall sick.  There are many diseases that harm your birds; therefore, it is important to factor in the understanding of the diseases that can make your pet bird miserable.

    What do you think about pet birds? Would you get a pet bird? Why or why not?  Share your comments. Follow Us: Facebook– TwitterGoogle+


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