Wednesday 12th March 2025,


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    Vintage Movie Posters Sale at Heritage Includes Rare Art

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Vintage Movie Posters Sale at Heritage Includes Rare Art

    A very scary  Bela Lugosi on a very rare Style A one sheet to the classic horror film, Dracula made in 1931 will part of Heritage Auctions Vintage Movie posters sale in Dallas.


    Heritage Auctions Vintage Movie Posters Sale in Dallas Brings Together Amazing Posters of Horror Movies such as Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, and The Day the Earth Stood Still. 


    DALLAS- More than 1000 of the rarest and most beautiful posters will go on sale on November 18 and 19 during Heritage Auctions Vintage Movie posters sale in Dallas.

    One of the major highlights of that Heritage Auctions Vintage Movie posters sale is a very rare Style A one sheet to the classic horror film,  Dracula from 1931. In the movie, Bela Lugosi brought to life the vampire count of Bram Stoker’s gothic horror novel. This is only the second known copy of this beautiful poster.

    Rare Movie Posters

    Image: Vintage Poster of King Kong 1938, a one sheet Vintage Poster that is part of the Heritage Auctions Vintage Movie Poster Sale

    King Kong 1938. One sheet Vintage Movie Poster. Image: Heritage Auctions

    A glorious large French poster for the first release of Casablanca, the great wartime romance Academy Award winner, is another important highlight of the rare movie sale.  This outstanding poster features magnificent artwork by Pierre Pigeot. It has an estimate of $100,000, 

    ART AUCTION| READ ALSO: The original movie poster artwork for Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial sold $394,000

    The Style L one sheet to the Lon Chaney silent classic, Phantom of the Opera (1925) is an important addition to the classic horror titles on auction during the rare Movie posters sale. With a pre-auction estimate of $50,000, the poster is one that collectors will not want to miss. This vibrant stone lithography poster is as captivating as when it was first published.

    A very scarce large format six-sheet to the science fiction classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), is another great highlight of the Heritage movie poster auction. These larger formats were more often than not, pasted to walls, or glued together and thrown away after use. This is the first time Heritage Auction is offering this beautiful poster. The poster has a pre-auction estimate of $45,000.

    Another very rare poster that is expected to excite movie poster collectors at the Heritage Auctions Vintage Movie posters sale is the large format poster to the Western classic, Stagecoach (1939).  This is the only known copy of the large format poster.  Directed by John Ford, Stagecoach brought John Wayne to national attention. The Stagecoach posters have always remained exceedingly elusive and this six sheet has never been seen in modern times.

    Some of the other classic titles with outstanding posters offered during the Heritage Auctions Vintage Movie posters sale includes posters from:

    •  King Kong (R-1938)
    •  Tarzan and his Mate (1934)
    • Sullivan’s Travels (1941) both style one-sheets
    •  Captain Blood (1935)
    •  Birth of a Nation (R-1921).

    What do you think about these vintage posters on sale? Would you pay $100,000 for a movie poster, Join the art conversation: Share your thoughts and comments.

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