Friday 28th March 2025,


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    Art Without Labels Tracks How We View Art

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Art Without Labels Tracks How We View Art

    A cross-section of artworks in Art Without Labels, a new experiment by Bombay Sapphire that tracks how visitors to museums and art galleries view art and respond to artworks. Image: Bombay Sapphire.

    ART NEWS: Art Without Labels, a new Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series campaign tracks how visitors to museums and art galleries view Art.


    Art Without Labels Project


    NEW YORK, NYArt Without Labels– That is the title of this year’s campaign to amplify the Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series. In its 8th year, the Artisan Series is an annual art competition that supports emerging artists across North America.

    This year’s campaign examines how visitors view works of art when they visit museums and art galleries. Research has shown that When people go to museums or art galleries, they tend to gravitate towards artwork labeled with the names of famous, well-known artists, often overlooking work made by less-famous artists.

    To dig deep into the dynamics of how museum and art gallery visitors view works on display, Bombay Sapphire has decided to create an experiment that centers on displaying artworks without any label, hence the title of the new campaign Art Without Labels. The main objective of the experiment is to level the playing field by removing those labels and having people look at art without any preconceptions.

    The consequence of the experiment is Art Without Labels, a digital gallery experience where people can see artwork by both emerging and established artists side by side, without knowing which artist created which painting.

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    To track the sequence of viewership, an eye-tracking technology will measure which pieces naturally draw individual viewer’s attention. At the end of the digital gallery, viewers will be able to view the unbiased data pulled from the eye-tracking technology to see which pieces they lingered on the most, regardless of the artist. The emerging artists’ websites and social channels will also be available in case viewers are interested in purchasing art or contacting the artist.

    This year’s campaign is a continuation of Bombay Sapphire’s quest to use art the pedal to examine human nature with a focus on specific areas. Last year’s campaign, the Artifier Project, examined and changed how consumers saw the internet. This year’s campaign, Art Without Labels, is expected to change how consumers see art.

    Artifier Project

    Bombay Sapphire/Youtube

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