Love Flowers or not, this beautiful red flower will touch your heart. Image: Kazad
BALTIMORE, MD– Artcentron announced today that it would not be holding its popular annual Flowers We Love Photo Contest. The postponement, according to the company, is due to the restructuring going on at the company. “We are working on several ideas this year as part of the effort to grow the company. In our last meeting, it was agreed that we have to take the company in a new direction to make it more endearing to everyone.
In early April, speculations that the annual photo contest would not be held caused many people to wonder what was going on. “We got emails and notes from our readers and photographers asking when the contest was going to start. They were disappointed when we told them that the Artcentron Flowers we Love Photo Contest would not be held this year. It breaks our heart but we have to do this now so we can get better at what we do,” the spokesperson said.
As part of the restructuring effort, the Artcentron is working on reorganizing the website to make it even more users friendly. “We are discussing with our technical people on how to make the website more accessible and more reader friendly.”
In addition to the technical aspect associated with the website, the company is also introducing new features that will encourage greater participation from its readers. Some of the new features include Work of the Day and from Our Contributors. “Our main objective with this new effort is to bring new and more engaging contents to our readers. As we grow, it is clear to us that we must continue to engage our readers.”
Since the Company started, a lot of effort has gone into giving it an edge in the competitive media world. “We are always looking for new ways to better serve our readers. They are very important to us and we must continue to do our best to serve their interest.”
Besides strengthening the regular features on the website, the company is also introducing new ones that will include greater participation from its readers. The company is also working on several programs that will benefit artists, especially the young ones. “Our focus is to find ways to educate and empower young artists.” The photo contest will return next year
The photo contest will return next year. In the main while, photographers can send their images of flowers. “They will be featured as part of our images and photos of the day.”
Sally Goodrich, flowers from Kenai Alaska at their- wildflower garden. Photo: Sally Goodrich-