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    Baltimore Star Wars Fans Prepare for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Baltimore Star Wars Fans Prepare for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

    An X-wing takes down a First Order TIE fighter, heightening the excitement of Baltimore Star Wars fans. Image courtesy of Disney

    ART NEWS: Excitement grows as Baltimore Star Wars Fans prepares the opening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    BALTIMORE- Excitement grows in Baltimore as Star Wars fans anxiously prepare for the  opening  of the new Star Wars movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Star Wars fans and  enthusiasts are getting ready to line up in front of movie theaters in the effort to be the first to see the film.
    Here are some of the views expressed by some of the Star Wars fans as they await the opening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    Corey: I am absolutely excited about the movie. I will going and see it on the opening day with my friends. My friends and I have tickets for the AMC Lowes theaters at White Marsh. We  will be waiting at the door when they open. We have planned what you can call vigil for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We join other Star Wars fans this awakening.

    Jose Lopez: I am so stoked up for this moving. I bought my ticket from Fandango soon after the movie trailer was released. I was hoping to win an award with all the rewards many of the theatres have promised. If they pick my number I will be so excited. I must have something to remind me of this day. As one of the Baltimore Star Wars fans, this will be a great honor.  By the way, may the force be with you.

    Ronald: I love Star Wars but I am not going to stay in line just to watch it. I know there is so much excitement during the opening day, but I don’t want to be in a crowded theatre. I will watch it maybe next week when all the  excitements have gone down. I will go in, get my popcorn, and watch in peace with other Star Wars fans. I know I will not be the only one in the theatre. I just  don’t like it when it is so crowded.

     Deon: I have to see it on the opening day no matter what it takes. I already bought a ticket, but the problem is that I have to work. I have told them at work that I can’t make it that day but they are insisting. I am just going to call out.  I will be watching the movie at the Eastpoint cinema. My friends and I will be having a Star Wars fan party before going to the movies. It is going to be a ce-le-bra-tion.

    Edwards: I can’t wait to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  My friends keep asking me what the excitement is all about. They have no sense of history. I grew up with Star Wars movie. In fact, I have a large collection of Star Wars memorabilia. I am a Star Wars fan and they are not! They are going to a party when the movie opens but I don’t care. I am going to join the other Star Wars super fans  to celebrate the movie. Did I tell you it was directed by J.J Abrams. That is so cool.



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