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    Artcentron 2015 ‘ Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest Begins

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Artcentron 2015 ‘ Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest Begins

    Beautiful Flowers at the street corner by John Wilson reminds us of Spring and to take photos of the Flowers We Love


    Artcentron ‘Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest becomes a reason to enjoy Spring and take beautiful images of flowers  

    Image: Padded Neoprene Compact DSLR Camera Lens / Lenses Protector Pouch Bag Kit For Canon, Nikon helps protects you lenses when taking photos of flowers you love

    Bundle Monster 4pc. Padded Neoprene Compact DSLR Camera Lens / Lense Protector Pouch Bag Kit For Canon, Nikon

    BALTIMORE, MARYLAND— Beautiful flowers bloom in Spring. Spring brings not just a lot of sunlight but also beautiful flowers, too. The question is, “Which flowers do you love?” ‘Flowers We Love’ is a photo contest which shows your love of flowers.

    All those who send flowers for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and just an expression of love, know that flowers bring a lot smiles. The ‘Flowers We Love’ photo contest will bring even greater joy as there are many amazing prizes to win.

    Artcentron began hosting the ‘Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest in 2013. In the first year, entries came from across the globe, and participants sent in the best images of flowers they love. Some of the flowers were taken in botanical gardens while others were photos of flowers at the street corner. One of the past winners include Brian Lim, who won the first place prize in 2013. Her photograph of red rose flowers titled Elegant, was taken in Malaysia.   Although we could not have the ‘Flowers We Love photo’ contest in 2014 due to technical problems, this year promises to be an eventful one.

    Participating in ‘Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest

    Your Flower Does Not Grow in Spring?

    Of course, not all flowers grow in Spring. Many flowers grow during other seasons. Just take the pictures of the flowers you love and send us the best one. You may take pictures of flowers you saw at the flower show, flowers shop, flower banquet, botanical garden, a wedding you attended, or even at the street corner. The most important thing is for you to be creative. The photo of the freshest flowers can only look great if you are creative. So go on and take the best photographs of the flowers around you and send them to us.  It is all about the #Flowers We Love.

    Selecting Winners for the ‘Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest

    The best entries for this year’s ‘Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest will win great prizes. There are also prizes for the best comments on the flower photos posted on

    List of prizes

    The Grand Prize for the ‘Flowers We Love’ Photo Contest

    Bundle Monster 4pc. Padded Neoprene Compact DSLR Camera Lens / Lense Protector Pouch Bag Kit For Canon, Nikon, Etc

    The Bundle Monster 4pc is a must have for photographers who want to protect their expensive camera lenses. In 4 various sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large, the bags are made of a light-weight, stretch, water resistant neoprene material. To hold lenses in place, each pouch has a string and toggle closure. Each bag also has a quick on the go hook to latch on to your belt. Each pouch features “BM” logo on the front.

    Other Prizes

    Decorating on a Dime: Trade Secrets from a Style Maker

    Author: Christy Ferer. [Hardcover]

    Image: Christy Ferer, Decorating on a Dime. Flowers we love

    Christy Ferer, Decorating on a Dime

    For all those interested in decorating, this is a book that will help improve your decorating skills. Decorating on a Dime provides easy to understand instructions for decorating in styles. Lavished with full-color photographs of designs, many of the projects are on a budget. The book not only features important projects, it also has lists of all the tools and supplies necessary to carry out a project. Decorating on a Dime also has a timetable, and step-by-step directions for success. For those just starting in decorating,   the full-color photos of the finished projects are great sources of inspiration.

    The Painted Bathroom

    Author: Henny Donovan

    The bathroom is not just the smallest room in the house, it is where many people get their thinking done. This is why the bathroom must be comfortable and well decorated. There are so many things, including decoration, to make the bathroom a place for introspection.

    In The Painted Bathroom, author Henny Donovan provides ideas and inspiration about how to transform an ordinary bathroom into a wonderfully decorated retreat using color and paint. Flowers and prints are some the important designs used in decorating the bathroom. There are also murals and shower curtains. There is so much to cherish about this book.

    Sensual Living

    Author: Claire Lloyd

    Our perceptions of the environment we live in are informed by our senses. Our sense of sight, taste, smell, touch and sound all contribute to a better understanding of our surroundings. In Sensual Living, Claire Lloyd delves into ways we can have the maximum experience of our environment by decorating our homes with things that will sharpen our six senses. From flowers to food, furniture, pictures and music, Lloyd reveals how these elements interrelate and how they affect our moods and emotions. He concludes that decorating our surrounding to conform with our six senses not only enlighten and inspire us, but also facilitate our growth and development.

    Two Guys Four Corners: Great Photographs, Great Times and a Million Laughs

    Authors: Don Imus & Fred Imus

    A gorgeous and surprising collection of photos and sassy commentary by radio star Don Imus and his brother, entrepreneur Fred Imus, is a powerful and memorable work for lovers of the American West and for fans of Don’s broadcasts. The book has 70 photos many of which are in color.

    How to Live with a Neurotic Dog

    Author: Stephen Baker with Illustration by Fred Hillard

    Image: How to Live with a Neurotic Dog by Stephen Baker with Illustration by Fred Hillard-Flowers We Love

    How to Live with a Neurotic Dog by
    Stephen Baker with Illustration by Fred Hillard

    Stephen Baker’s delightful How To Live With a Neurotic Dog is a hilarious book that any dog lover must read. In the book, Baker provides the opportunity for dog owners to look at their world through their dog’s big melting brown eyes. Of course, it helps if the dog is neurotic. To help the dog owner avoid pitfalls and dangers that lay hidden, Baker provides some pointers. These are Baker’s helpful pointers to consider if you have a Neurotic Dog:

    Don’t interrupt your dog’s naps-remember, he needs your bed far more than you do. Don’t force your dog to play fetch just because you feel like it-keep in mind his busy schedule too. Never bark orders at your dog. “Please” and “thank you” work wonders with the neurotic dog. -Give your dog a canine personality quiz-it’s the first step before starting him on full-fledged psychoanalysis. If all else fails, feed him!

    Trash to Treasure: The Year’s Best Creative Crafts Vol. 7 (Hardcover)

    Leisure Arts, Inc.

    You may not realize it, but your garbage can and recycle bins hold almost everything you need to fashion dozens of exciting and inventive treasures! This fun new volume of Trash to Treasure will introduce you to a multitude of unique crafts, all created using items you might ordinarily throw away.

    Sisters: Essays by Carol Saline. Photographs by Sharon J. Wohlmuth

    The bond between sisters is profound and unique. In original essays and photographs, Sisters is a moving portrayal of a relationship and unbreakable bond between sisters. The connection is like no other.

    In Sisters, the women speak of the wisdom and experience they share with their sisters. They are writers, athletes, students, painters, socialites, and teachers. They tell stories of how they share challenges in the same careers, compete in different professions, and battle together against illness.

    Submission Guideline

    • All photos must have the JPG format and a maximum of 1000 x 800 pixels or within that range. It must not exceed 4MB in size.
    • One photo per participant, please. If you send more than one, we will select the best and enter that for the contest.
    • You may take and send photos of any flower you want as long as it fits the theme of the contest and nobody is harmed.
    • Please include the city where the photo was taken or where you live. Of course, you can mention the name of the flower if you know it, or even give your entry a title.
    • Please do not send compressed files or ZIP and RAR. Only the Images.
    • You must own the copyright to what you are submitting or have been authorized to submit them.
    • Only those who live in the United States may participate.


    Note: When you send photos of the flowers you love, you are giving Artcentron the permission to publish them in multiple forms and media. Please make sure you have the right to submit the photo or you have been authorized to do so.

    Please do not submit any inappropriate material. We reserve the right to refuse submissions and entries we find inappropriate.

    Number of Submissions

    There is no restriction on the number of submissions. However, if you submit multiple entries, we will select the best one.  For all your submissions, please use the hashtag #Flowers

    Send your submission to

    Duration of Contest

    Deadline and Announcement

    The contest runs from March 25 through April 30, 2015. All Entries must be received by April 30.

    Selected Entries

    Five of the best entries will be selected by a panel of judges at Artcentron and published on It is from the selection published on Artcentron that the grand prize winner will be selected.

    After the best entries have been posted, everyone is invited to vote for and comment on their best entries starting May 10, 2015. Voting lasts until May 20, 2015. The flower photo with the highest vote will win the grand price. So, invite your friends to vote for you.

    Final Selection

    The Grand Prize winner will be selected based on the quality of entry, votes and comments generated by May 20, 2015. So tell your friends to vote with their comments on your entry.  Judges decision is final.

    Winners will be announced soon after. We will present the most outstanding photos on, including the names of contributors and other necessary details.

    Winner Notification

    After the winning selection has been made, we will notify the winner through the email address they used for their submission.  We expect that you will send your address so we can mail you your prize. Please ensure that you send us your correct information as we are not responsible for any missing prize.

    Alternate Winner

    If we do not hear from the winner one week after results have been announced and winners contacted, we reserve the right to select another winner. In this case that will be the runner up.


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