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    Marilyn Monroe Quotes Bare Her Philosophy of Life

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Marilyn Monroe Quotes Bare Her Philosophy of Life

    Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, the 1953 20th Century Fox movie is a musical comedy/romance directed by Howard Hawks starring Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe, with Charles Coburn, Elliott Reid, Tommy Noonan, Taylor Holmes, and Norma Varden. This image shows Monroe in a pink dress surrounded by men in formal attire.Marilyn Monroe quotes. Via Wikimedia Commons

    Marilyn Monroe Quotes, just like photographs of her sold recently at Heritage Auctions, bring renewed interest to the life of this famous American actress, singer, model and sex symbol

    Image: Marilyn Monroe in the 1953 film Niagara directed by Henry Hathaway  enhanced the famous American  Idol status as a sex symbol. Marilyn Monroe quotes

    Marilyn Monroe in the 1953 film Niagara directed by Henry Hathaway. via Wikimedia Commons


    Marilyn Monroe quotes like her photographs have had great impact on those who cherish them. Although Monroe died more than five decades ago, her impact continues to resonate in contemporary times. The recent auction of Marilyn Monroe photographs taken by Bert Stern, during his Last Sitting session in 1962 just weeks before her death, has rekindled great interest in the life of this celebrated actress, singer, model and sex symbol, whose existence was characterized by a roller coaster experience. The auction organized by Heritage Auctions generated so much excitement among art collectors, who competed to own the image of the celebrated sex icon of the 1950s and early 1960s.

    The amount of money dished out by new and seasoned art collectors around the world at the Heritage Auctions sale of Marilyn Monroe pictures proved that her relevance remain utmost in contemporary times. At the end of the online photography auction, more than $137,519 had been realized.

    While Marilyn Monroe pictures are captivating, the story of her life is even more riveting. Some of Marilyn Monroe’s life experiences are revealed in her quotes.

    Marilyn Monroe quotes speck to her life, encounters with men and the perception of her as a sex symbol. One of Marilyn Monroe quotes touches on the importance of having someone with whom to share our time. She notes: “A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night.”   This quote speaks to her perception and understanding of life. As a busy working woman, Monroe understood the fact that while a career is very important, having someone to go home to and spend some time together is also important.

    Marilyn Monroe biography reads like a tragic story. From living in a foster care, she rose to become one of the most celebrated women of the 1950s and 1960s. Then she died suddenly at the height of her popularity. Although many people were touched by her sudden death, Marilyn Monroe lived her life the way she wanted to. “You never know what life is like, until you have lived it,” she once said. This Marilyn Monroe quotes is a reminder that life is for the living.

    Beyond work, Marilyn Monroe understood the importance of enjoying life. Many of the Marilyn Monroe pictures sold during the Heritage Auction capture her enjoying life in her well-documented carefree manner. Behind that carefree behavior, however, was a woman devoted to becoming the best she could. She clarifies her determination to succeed with another quote that continues have strong resonance even till this day. She notes: “Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.”

    Although Marilyn Monroe cannot be described as a feminist, many of her quotes are very inspiring and touch on the importance of believing in oneself. Growing up at a period when women were subjugated and patriarch was at the climax, it is not surprising that Monroe would lend her voice to the situation of women especially as it came to relationship. One of Marilyn Monroe quotes reminds women to believe in themselves. “A girl doesn’t need anyone that doesn’t need her,” she said. For someone who had a turbulent life, this quote is a truism. She strove to be with people who needed her and avoided naysayers that castigated her.

    The idiomatic expression ‘hope springs eternal’ adequately captures Marilyn Monroe’s philosophy of life. In spite of all the odds and difficult situation she experienced, she was very hopeful for a better day. For many young women, many of Marilyn Monroe quotes should be a great source of inspiration. One of her poignant quotes touches on not giving up even after failing. She notes: “Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything.”

    ART NEWS | READ ALSO: Seductive Marilyn Monroe Photographs Excite Art Collectors

    Although she failed at many things, Marilyn Monroe never gave up hope. She was an optimist and was always looking for new ways to reinvent herself. That desire to always look for new doors when one was closed was driven by the intense need to succeed. But more importantly, to prove that yes she could. “I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else,” is one of Marilyn Monroe quotes that reveal her quest to succeed in spite of the enormous pessimism surrounding her .

    Although she failed at many things, Marilyn Monroe never gave up hope. She was an optimist and was always looking for new ways to reinvent herself. That desire to always look for new doors when one was closed was driven by the intense need to succeed. But more importantly, to prove that yes she could. “I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else,” is one of Marilyn Monroe quotes that reveal her quest to succeed in spite of the enormous pessimism surrounding her .

    Marilyn Monroe quotes will forever be a source of inspiration to any woman looking for motivation. In this era when there is increased demand for equal pay for women, many of Marilyn Monroe quotes have great insight into what women can do to actualize their demands. While one of Marilyn Monroe quotes counsel women not to wait for anyone to fight for them, others instructs them to be relentless in the quest to achieve their goals.

    Although an American icon, Marilyn Monroe was celebrated across the globe. Marilyn Monroe quotes can be a major source of inspiration for women in countries where patriarchy is the law of the land.

    These are just a few of Marilyn Monroe quotes. There are so many other Marilyn Monroe quotes that many will find inspirational. Beyond motivation, these quotes provide a glimpse into the life of this celebrated actress and sex symbol of the 1950s and 1960s.

    Below are some of Marilyn Monroe quotes that bare her life experiences. They reveal her philosophy about life, love, men and the pursuit of happiness.

    1. I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best
    2.  I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love

    3. Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.
    4. The real lover is the man who can thrill you just by touching your head or smiling into your eyes – or just by staring into space. Marilyn Monroe quotes.
    5. Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition for friendship.
    6. Respect is one of life’s greatest treasures. I mean, what does it all add up to if you don’t have that?
    7. Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered

    8. I used to get the feeling, and sometimes I still get it, that I was fooling somebody – I don’t know who or what – maybe myself. I have feelings some days where there are scenes with a lot of responsibility, and I’ll wish, ‘Gee, if only I had been a cleaning woman.
    9. Sometimes I’ve been to a party where no one spoke to me for a whole evening. The men, frightened by their wives or sweeties, would give me a wide berth. And the ladies would gang up in a corner to discuss my dangerous character

      Marilyn Monroe quotes let us into her life

    10. Image:  Marilyn Monroe is frightened in the theatrical trailer of the 1953 film Niagara directed by Henry Hathaway brought this famous American Actress and sex symbol  into limelight .Marilyn Monroe quotes

      Marilyn Monroe is frightened in the theatrical trailer of the 1953 film Niagara directed by Henry Hathaway.Marilyn Monroe quotes let us into her life . Via Wikimedia Commons

    11. All my stepchildren carried the burden of my fame. Sometimes they would read terrible things about me, and I’d worry about whether it would hurt them. I would tell them: ‘Don’t hide these things from me. I’d rather you ask me these things straight out, and I’ll answer all your questions
    12. A man makes you feel important – makes you glad you are a woman
    13. We human beings are strange creatures and still reserve the right to think for ourselves. Marilyn Monroe quotes
    14. There are many times when a woman will ask another girl friend how she likes her new hat. She will reply, ‘Fine,’ but slap her hand to her forehead the minute the girl leaves to yipe, ‘What a horror!’
    15. With fame, you know, you can read about yourself, somebody else’s ideas about you, but what’s important is how you feel about yourself – for survival and living day to day with what comes up.

    16. Some of my foster families used to send me to the movies to get me out of the house and there I’d sit all day and way into the night. Up in front, there with the screen so big, a little kid all alone, and I loved it. I loved anything that moved up there and I didn’t miss anything that happened and there was no popcorn either
    17. I am invariably late for appointments – sometimes as much as two hours. I’ve tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing

    18. A woman can’t be alone. She needs a man. A man and a woman support and strengthen each other. She just can’t do it by herself.
    19. It’s nice to be included in people’s fantasies but you also like to be accepted for your own sake.
    20. The working men, I’ll go by and they’ll whistle. At first they whistle because they think, ‘Oh, it’s a girl. She’s got blond hair and she’s not out of shape,’ and then they say, ‘Gosh, it’s Marilyn Monroe!’

    21. I don’t know if high society is different in other cities, but in Hollywood, important people can’t stand to be invited someplace that isn’t full of other important people. They don’t mind a few unfamous people being present because they make good listeners.
    22. I was brought up differently than the average American child because the average child is brought up expecting to be happy
    23. At twelve I looked like a girl of seventeen. My body was developed and shapely. I still wore the blue dress and the blouse the orphanage provided. They made me look like an overgrown lummox

    24. I once wanted to prove myself by being a great actress. Now I want to prove that I’m a person. Then maybe I’ll be a great actress
    25. Fame will go by and, so long, I’ve had you, fame. If it goes by, I’ve always known it was fickle. So at least it’s something I experience, but that’s not where I live.

    26. A man has a tendency to accept you the way you are, while most women immediately start to pick flaws and want to change you. Marilyn Monroe quotes


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