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    Coffee Lovers Speak About Caffeine Addiction and Risks

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Coffee Lovers Speak About Caffeine Addiction and Risks

    Ben Frantz Dale, Espresso roasted coffee beans for coffee lovers. Image courtesy of Wikimedia


    Coffee Lovers will go to any extent to get their fix. But can too much coffee lead to caffeine addiction and health risks? Here 10 thought-provoking views from the street.

    Image: Advertisement by John Hopkins, Baltimore seeking people addicted to Caffeine for Caffeine treatment
    Addicted to Caffeine. Caffeine treatment at John Hopkins, Baltimore. Photo: Kazad/ARTCENTRON

    BALTIMORE, MARYLAND– I was walking through Baltimore Street in Baltimore when I came across an advertisement informing people who are addicted to caffeine and are “seeking help to quit or reduce caffeine,” to come to John Hopkins where they may “be eligible to receive caffeine treatment.” Besides the text of the public announcement is a cup of coffee. As I continued my walk down St Paul Street, I remembered Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States.  Roosevelt was one of the famous coffee lovers. 

    Theodore Roosevelt: Coffe Lover

    Theodore Roosevelt was an ardent coffee drinker. During his period as the president of the United States, Roosevelt had a huge cup from which he drank coffee. So big was the cup that one of his sons described as a “bathtub.” Many of those who knew Roosevelt when he was at Harvard believed that drinking coffee was what made him boisterous and energetic. Roosevelt’s propensity for drinking large cups of coffee as an adult seems a reflection of his childhood experience. As a child, Roosevelt’s parents gave him coffee to help curb his asthma. Evidently, this led to his love for it as an adult.

    Coffee Lovers Addiction

    As I crossed Pratt Street, I could not stop thinking about what it means to be addicted to caffeine. As a coffee drinker, I continually asked myself: “Am I a caffeine addict? Besides the fact that I drink a lot of coffee, I am also often overtaking by the aroma of great coffee. Like many coffee lovers, the sweet aroma of a good coffee can make me lust for that soul-soothing coffee.

    Once I was walking through the White Marsh Mall with a friend when I bellowed “that is the sweet smell of coffee,” as the aroma of brewing coffee filled my nostrils. “You are a coffee addict,” my friend said.  Am I really an addict? As I pondered the question, I thought I should ask a few people about what it means to be a caffeine addict.

    Why Do People Drink So Much Coffee?

    Yes,  why people drink so much coffee? Is it just because of the caffeine? Is drinking too much coffee specific to a group of professionals or people engaged in specific works of life? Here are some of the few responses that you will find interesting.

    1.Robert: Teachers, Writers, and Journalists Drink Coffee Like Water

    Do you know those who drink a lot of coffee and are addicted to caffeine? They are teachers, writers, and journalists. These people are always drinking coffee just to catch up with the demands of their work. Not drinking coffee, for these groups of professionals, will make work impossible. In a study conducted recently by Pressat, a UK blog, it was discovered that out of the 10,000 professionals that participated, journalists and others who work in the media are the largest consumers of coffee.

    Following media professionals are police officers and teachers. If you ask these groups of professionals, especially journalists, teachers, and police officers if they are addicted to caffeine, they will tell you that they are not. The simple reason is that they do not think they are addicted. While they are quick to acknowledge that they drink a lot of coffee, they are reluctant to accept that they are caffeine addicts. So, how do you get someone who does not accept that he/she is addicted to caffeine to seek treatment? Even I don’t know the answer to that question.

    2. Wesley: I am not addicted to Caffeine

    I am not sure why anyone will have the notion that people are addicted to coffee or caffeine. I drink a lot of it but that does not mean I am a caffeine addict. It simply means that I love coffee. Although I drink about 4 to five cups a day, I am not a caffeine addict. It just simply means that I love it!

    3. Tykira: Men and not Women are Caffeine Addicts

    I think it is fantastic that there is help out there for people with a caffeine addiction. As you know, this is all about men. Men are the coffee lovers. Women do not drink as much coffee as men. Every morning when I drive by the Starbucks near my work, I see a long line of people waiting to get their morning fixes. The interesting thing is that when I walk back in the afternoon to get lunch, I still see some of the same people I saw in the morning in the line waiting to get their fix. I am not sure how many cups you have to drink in a day to be categorized as a caffeine addict. However,  I can tell you that people drink too much coffee in this town. Don’t get me wrong, I drink coffee and I love it, but I don’t go overboard with it. Two cups a day is all I need.

    4. Mercado: People Don’t Know When to Stop

    I am one of the coffee lovers. I am a coffee drinker and I am proud of it. The problem with coffee lovers is that we do not know when to stop drinking. There are people who drink almost ten cups every day: Morning, afternoon, and night. I think those who drink more than ten cups a day are caffeine addicts. That is just too much!!!

    5. Alohilani: Blame Manufacturers for Caffeine Addiction

    It is not surprising that people drink too much of it. Coffee makers have convincing ways to get people hooked on different coffee brands and flavors. There is Affogato, Americano, Caffé Latte, Caffé Macchiato, Cafe Mocha, Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, Frappuccino, Frappuccino, and Iced Coffee just to name a few. When I go to 7- Eleven or Starbucks, for instance, I am often uncertain which flavor or brand to buy. Although I have my regulars which are Frappuccino and Energy Coffee, there are days I want a change. Making a decision is always difficult because there are too many choices. I love the pumpkin spice, though. It is fantastic.

    6. Justine: Caffeine Addicts are Always Denying Addiction

    Every time I talk to coffee lovers about caffeine addiction, I am always astonished about the denial. Go to Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, 7-Eleven, and all those other coffee shops and you will see what I mean. There is always a long line of people waiting to dish out big sums just for a cup of coffee. In a month, some people spend more than 200 dollars. That money can be put to better use if they can find alternatives that are cheap and have a long-lasting effect.

    Since what drives people to coffee is caffeine, people should look for other ways to deal with their caffeine needs without spending so much money. They can get their caffeine fix through natural sources that keep them from going over and over again to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts and 7-Eleven. Sadly, for some of these caffeine addicts, the lust for caffeine does not stop with coffee. Many are now turning to energy drinks with high caffeine levels. That is when they get in trouble.

    7. Imani: Caffeine is Like Other Addictive Drugs

    I don’t know how to answer your question except to say that caffeine is like any other addictive drug. The more coffee you drink, the more you want. It is the same thing with smokers. They start by smoking one stick of cigarette a day, and before you know it, they are smoking more than a packet of cigarettes a day just to fulfill the increasing need for nicotine in their system. It is the same with caffeine: It states gradually, and soon people are drinking 5 to 10 cups to meet their caffeine needs. That is when they become caffeine addicts.

    8. Shanaya:  Trapped by Images and Commercials 

    You see, the issue is not about those who coffee lovers, but  those who take drinking it to the extreme. People just don’t know when to stop. They drink coffee as if they are drinking water. Like everything else, moderation is the keyword. One or two cups a day should be enough for anyone who loves it. But, there are people who go to the extreme by falling into the taste trap set for us by coffee makers who have perfected ways of inciting our pallets. There is also advertisement by companies like Starbucks, Dunkin Donut, 7- Eleven and others. Everywhere you turn, there are commercials encouraging you to drink some more. The images on these commercials are so luscious that even if you are not one of the many coffee lovers, you are tempted to grab a cup.

    9. Stuckey: Coffee Lovers Health Benefits 

    You are not the only one who has shown interest in this issue. The problem is that whenever people talk about caffeine addiction, they tend to forget that coffee has great benefits. Beyond the zing many get, the health benefits from coffee are some of the reasons people drink it. Research has shown that coffee, can help prevent type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. It also contains antioxidants that are good for the system. In addition, there are also other substances that make coffee desirable. Of course, this is not to say that some people do not abuse it. There are people who drink more than ten cups a day. That is absolute too much!! This is why the issue of caffeine addiction has become a major topic. It is just like drinking red wine. Just because the doctor says drinking red wine is good for you does not mean you have to drink ten bottles of red wine. That will be crazy!

    10. Danny: Peanut Butter With Caffeine? Really?

    It is frightening that there is now peanut butter with caffeine in it. This is absolutely dangerous. People will drink coffee, and get hyped on caffeine. Now, they are going to start eating peanut with caffeine. When are we going to stop? People are going to die from too much caffeine.  Do the manufacturers of peanut butter with caffeine even think about the impact this will have on children? Can you imagine kids getting a hold of this so-called peanut butter with caffeine? Not good. Not good.

    What do you think about coffee lovers who drink too much coffee?

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