Wednesday 26th March 2025,


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    Trials Fusion Sells 1 Million Copies: Update Excites Gamers

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Trials Fusion Sells 1 Million Copies: Update Excites Gamers

    Trials Fusion PS4, confronting the obstacles. Image courtesy of Ubisoft

    VIDEOGAMES: Video game players trilled by new multiplayer mode in Trials Fusion, the motorbike racing game that has sold 1 million copies.


    SAN FRANCISCO, CA –– Weeks after declaring a record first-quarter sales of €360 million,  publisher Ubisoft is ready for another celebration. The company announced Thursday that Trials Fusion, the popular platform racer from RedLynx, has sold more than 1 million units worldwide. Launched on April 16, Trials Fusion continues to generate great excitement in the gaming world. To keep game players engaged, RedLynx has been adding new dimensions to the game.

    RedLynx’s new addition to the game celebrates the game’s landmark sale. Already, the new addition is generation a lot of buzz among game players. The new track editor incentivizes track builders to create four custom Supercross tracks for 4- player local multiplayer mode. The result? Great excitement as players can now challenge friends for the fastest time.

    According to Ubisoft, “Track builders can now throw down four lanes of Motorcross madness in the editor and then challenge friends for the fastest time.” The new fixes also include 15 incredible custom tracks created by the Trials players, They are accessible on all platforms via the Uplay Recommended feed-in Track Central.

    Trials Fusion Download

    There are various improvements to the Tournament, Track Central, and Track Editor modes that make the game even more engaging. Trials Fusion, is an intensely interactive game that allows players to race across a variety of tracks. They take motorbikes off jumps as they confront unanticipated daunting obstacles. The goal is to surmount all obstacles while players compete for the best time. Players can download the new title update for free.

    The game offers players an unlimited array of obstacles and challenges as they race against the clock to set track records. Developed by RedLynx in collaboration with Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Kiev, the game is available to download or physically with the DLC season pass and unlockable items included on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC. As RedLynx continues to add more dimensions to the game, it is clear that this is a case of never-ending pleasure.

    Image- Biker confronts dangerous obstacles in Ubisoft , redlynx Trials Fusion bike racing games. Latest free update electrify Video biker games players
    Trials Fusion, into the sun. Image courtesy of Ubisoft

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