Friday 28th March 2025,


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    Antique Arms, Armour and Militaria Sale Achieves Delightful Result

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Antique Arms, Armour and Militaria Sale Achieves Delightful Result

    A pair of 28 Bore Silesian Long Wheel-Lock Holster Pistols, Cieszynie (TESCHEN), circa 1640-60, is one of the Antique Arms sold at the auction. Estimate: £8,000-12,000 . Sold: £16,800.  Image: Thomas Del Mar


    Thomas Del Mar’s Antique Arms, Armour & Militaria Auction End with successful results  

    LONDON— After a successful outing during the Higgins Armory auction in May, Thomas Del Mar returned on June 25th with another major auction of Antique Arms, Armour & Militaria. The auction attracted collectors, dealers and enthusiast who vigorously competed for the 415 lots. The grand total released at the end of the auction was £602,646 Speaking on the success of the auction, Auctioneer, and Expert-in-charge, Thomas Del Mar, commented: “Following closely on the heels of the remarkable success of the Higgins Armory auction in May we were delighted with the result.  The auction included two further institutional properties, from The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Art Institute of Chicago that were both 100% sold.  The sale also included the second and final part of the Stern Collection that was well received. The highlight of the day was the Boutet pistols from the descendant family of the Viceroy Peru, achieving £57,600 to a private collector.”

    Below is the list of the top 10 results for Thomas Del Mar’s recent auction of Antique Arms, Armour & Militaria

    • Lot 413 – Property from the descendant family of Don José de La Serna, Conde De Los Andes, Viceroy of Peru (1770-1832). A fine and rare cased pair of 28 bore French silver-mounted flintlock pistols of presentation quality by Boutet is one of the Antique Arms sold. Estimate: £40,000-70,000. Sold: £57,600.  Collector
    • Lot 198- A composite German and Italian cap-a-pie field armor in the so-called “Maximilian fashion”, partly Nuremberg, early 16th century. Estimate: £20,000-30,000.  Sold: £24,000. Collector.
    • Lot 175- Property sold by order of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. A composite North Italian etched corslet, late 16th century. Estimate: £12,000-18,000. Sold £20, 400. Collector .
    • Lot 179 –Property sold by the Art Institute of Chicago, from the George f. Harding Collection to benefit the Harding Collection of Arms and Armour. A mounted armor for the “Jousts Real” in the Spanish style of circa 1500-10, a mainly 19th century with some early 16th century elements one of the Antique Arms sold.  Estimate: £15,000-20,000 Sold; £18,000.  Dealer.
    • Lot 196- Property sold by the Art Institute of Chicago, from the George F. Harding Collection to benefit the Harding Collection of Arms and Armour. A fine pair of 16 Bore Liegois Flintlock holster pistols by Jean Jaques Behr, circa 1720-30. Estimate: £8,000-10,000.  Sold: £17,400. Collector.
    • Lot 416- A pair of 28 Bore Silesian Long Wheel-Lock Holster Pistols, Cieszynie (TESCHEN), circa 1640-60. Estimate: £8,000-12,000 . Sold: £16,800.  Collector.
    • Lot 414- The property of a gentleman. A fine pair of 20 Bore Liegois Flintlock Long Holster Pistols, circa 1700, probably by Philippe Desellier. Estimate: £10,000-15,000. Sold: £12,000. Collector.
    • Lot 415- The property of a collector. A fine and rare 25 bore South German (THURINGIA) wheel-lock pistol “SUHL” Circa 1580-90. Estimate: £8,000-12,000. Sold: £12,000. Dealer
    • Lot 326- A fine pair of 38 Bore Scottish Flintlock belt pistols by I. Christie, Perth, circa 1780 one of the Antique Arms sold. Estimate: £5,000-7,000. Sold: £11,400.  Dealer.
    • Lot 192-  Property sold by the Art Institute of Chicago, from the George F. Harding collection to benefit the Harding Collection of Arms and Armour. A 120 Bore Silesian Wheel-Lock Birding Rifle (TSCHINKE), mid-17th century, probably Cieszyn (TESCHEN). Estimate: £5,000-8,000. Sold: £9,840.   Dealer

    Maximilian Fashion: Sold at the Antique Arms Auction

    Image- A composite German and Italian cap-a-pie field armour in the so-called “Maximilian Fashion”, partly Nuremberg, early 16th century. was probably used for decoration or war sold

    A composite German and Italian cap-a-pie field armour in the so-called “Maximilian Fashion”, partly Nuremberg, early 16th century. Image courtesy of Thomas Del Mar


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