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    12 Stress Relief Tips for Young Artists and Creative Minds

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    12 Stress Relief Tips for Young Artists and Creative Minds

    Self Portrait. One apparent sign of stress is the inability to organize and maintain a clean environment. These stress relief tips may help. Photo Kazad/ Artcentron

    HEALTH NEWS: How to relieve stress? These stress relief tips provide some answers to this question, often asked by young artists and people in search of stress relievers.


    BALTIMORE, MD —Stress is one issue that often comes up in conversation with artists and creatives with busy daily schedules. While some find it difficult to cope with everyday stressors, others do not have the basic coping skills to deal with stressful working environments.  The inability to handle these life stressors could lead to major medical problems. Doctors and researchers, for example, have made a connection between stress and other major illnesses like diabetes, obesity, and even heart attack.

    One way to ensure that mental and emotional health issues like stress do not get out of hand is through preventive care. The preventive care aspect of the Affordable Care Act provides opportunities for young and older artists to get counseling for many physical and mental health problems before they become chronic. But while preventive care is essential, artists, old and young, also have the responsibility of taking good care of themselves. In terms of stress, basic stress relievers are necessary for restoring calm and serenity for artists and creatives having difficulty managing chronic lifestyles.

    Artists are one of the most stressed-out people

    Artists are perhaps one of the most stressed-out people on earth. Painters, sculptors, ceramists, graphic designers, and many others in the creative field often get trapped in the need to meet deadlines, forgetting that there is another aspect to life. The result is often stress, which can lead to other major medical problems.

    Several weeks ago, I went on a studio visit with a young artist. I was shocked by the experience. As I stepped into the dingy studio, cigarette smoke filled the air and junk food littered the floor. In a corner, in front of several large canvases, were crushed cans of energy drinks.  In the center of all the mess was the artist, furiously painting on a newly stretched canvas. “I have an exhibition coming up soon,” he said as I walked into the studio that had an atrocious smell. Even the artists knew he was under great stress. Sadly, he was unable to stop working for the simple reason that he did not want to miss his deadline and the opportunity before him.

    The case of this artist is just one example. Anyone who has a close relationship with visual arts professionals knows this is not an exception.  Many young artists often wait until the last minute to complete or prepare for projects. The rush often leads to a lot of stress. Stress, doctors, and scientists have noted, is a precursor to other dangerous medical conditions. Therefore,  artists, young and old must do everything to prevent stress.

    What is Stress Relief?

    Stress relief involves using different techniques and methods to control and manage stress, especially chronic stress. The main purpose of stress management is to prevent an individual from suffering negative health consequences. Some of the activities for stress relief discussed in this article are aimed at educating readers on ways to deal with stress before it reaches or results in a health crisis. These stress relievers do not require too much investment in time and energy. If your stress is getting out of control and you need quick relief, one or a combination of these stress relief tips should help you feel better. A few of the consequences of stress on the body, mind, and behavior include:

    1. Headache

    2. Anxiety

    3. Muscle tension or pain

    4. Restlessness

    5. Angry outbursts

    6. Chest pain

    7. Lack of motivation or focus

    8. Drug or alcohol misuse

    9. Change in sex drive

    10. Irritability or anger

    11. Social withdrawal

    12. Sadness or depression

    Stress Relievers: How to relieve stress and Anxiety

    There are many ways to reduce stress and these stress relief tips are just a few.

    Fruits, vegetables and Healthy eating are stress relief tips

    Eating vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods are important stress relief tips. Photo: Ruth Hartnup

    1. Organize Your Life

    The inability to adequately organize and plan our time is one of the major sources of stress. From hanging out with friends on social media to engaging with family and co-workers, precious time can be wasted if not adequately managed. While friends and families are very important, it is fundamental to plan and allocate specific time for essential activities that will energize you and facilitate the fulfillment of our objectives.

    Young artists must endeavor to limit non-beneficial and non-supportive interactions.  It is a fact that because there are so many things to do and little time for them, many young artists become overwhelmed and just leave things to chance. Many fail to plan and effectively organize their lives. The consequences are that many things are left to the last minute, causing a lot of stress.

    Important Stress Relief Tips

    The ability to organize is one of the most important stress relief tips. Young artists can save themselves a lot of stress by planning their time well. One way to achieve this is to make a list of objectives and cross out each one once they have been achieved. Having and using a calendar can also be effective. Besides the physical calendar that many people use, there are also Android and iPhone apps specifically designed to help keep track of daily activities.  It is essential to keep track of time and daily activities because it is a smart way to have peace of mind and also reduce stress.

    It is a fact that because there are so many things to do and little time for them, many young artists become overwhelmed and just leave things to chance. Many fail to plan and effectively organize their lives. The consequences are that many things are left to the last minute, causing a lot of stress. Young artists can save themselves a lot of stress by planning their time well. One way to achieve this is to make a list of objectives and cross out each one once they have been achieved. Having and using the calendar can also be effective. Besides the physical calendar that many people use, there are also Android and iPhone apps specifically designed to help keep track of daily activities.  It is essential to keep track of time and daily activities because it is a smart way to have peace of mind and also reduce stress.

    2. Time Management

    Time management is an important way to relieve or avoid stress.  It is important not to procrastinate: when you have work to do, do it and don’t wait until the last minute.  When you can adequately plan your time, you will better avoid the stress of rushing or forgetting.

    3. Don’t Bite More Than You Can Chew

    This is one of the most important stress-relief tips young artists must always keep in mind.  Often, many young artists take on more projects than they can handle. The result is unfathomable stress as they painfully struggle to finish one project after another. As a young artist, you must know when to say no to projects that are out of your scope, even when the financial reward is tempting. If, however, you are unable to complete a project because you have other important things to do, please don’t beat yourself up.

    Celebrate the ones you were able to complete and try your best to complete the ones pending. It is also okay to ask for an extension whenever you cannot finish a project. Most collectors will grant you that extension as long as it will benefit them and the project. If there is no room for an extension, however, you can collaborate, partner with, or hire people you trust to help you. That is what many great artists do. From Andy Warhol to Jeff Koons, famous artists run their studios with a lot of help from artists and craft people they trust.

    4. Limit Internet and Cell Phone Use.

    It is very difficult for many young artists to turn away from the internet and also put their phones down.  The inability to disconnect from all these modern-day technologies can lead to a lot of stress. In this era of Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and Google Plus, young people have become so addicted to the internet that psychologists are now finding new ways to deal with this new form of addiction.

    While social media is beneficial if used appropriately and sparingly to achieve career and social objectives,  it can also be a black hole, sucking up time and productivity. Young artists like many other young people must find new ways to deal with internet and phone addictions.  Cutting down on the internet and phone use allows the opportunity to live in the moment and also have adequate sleep. It is important to cut off all electronic use before sleep as a way of curbing insomnia and other related problems.

    5. Get Massage: Stress Relief Tips

    In spite of the effort to avoid stress, it is sometimes impossible for young artists to avoid stress. Massage is one of the most well-known stress relievers.  For thousands of years, massage has been used by the Chinese to improve health and by Hippocrates. The tradition has continued to this day not only in China but across the globe. Massage, according to many practitioners, helps open up blocked energy. In today’s society, massage has become a significant way to relax, reduce pain, improve blood circulation, and also maintain good health.

    6. Eat Healthy Diet

    It is no longer a secret that many young people do not eat healthy food. Due to time and inadequate planning, many young artists eat junk food.  Studies have shown that junk food can lead to obesity, which can, in turn, lead to other diseases like diabetes, heart attack, and even death.  A poor diet can cause stress because the body is getting the necessary nourishment.  Eating good food, especially a balanced diet, will not only boost energy and enhance physical and emotional wellness but also prepare the artist for everyday activities.

    Food rich in vitamin B should be a daily necessity for any young artist because it enhances the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.  Additionally, good food helps induce relaxation as well as fight fatigue.  It is easy to know when you are vitamin B deficient.  Some of the major symptoms of vitamin B deficiencies include irritation, depression, and apathy, which are major stress inducers. To forestall such deficiencies and their inherent consequences, it is important for young artists to eat whole grains like cereal, beans, peas, nuts, eggs, blueberries, salmon, almonds, and dairy products that can effectively help to deal with stress and fatigue.

    7. Rest and Sleep Well

    Rest is essential for stress prevention.  In this technological age, many young artists are either on the internet, on their phones, or playing video games.  Consequently, the time that could have been used for resting is spent on doing unproductive activities, including playing video games.  Rest is very important, and sleeping is the best way to get much-needed relaxation.  It is imperative to have a good night’s rest because a lack of sleep or inadequate rest can make anyone grouchy and stressed.  Sleep is one of the best ways to get needed rest, and it begins with forming a sleep pattern.

    Establishing a bedtime ritual that will inform the brain that it is time to sleep is important. Doctors and scientists warn that in order to have a good night’s sleep, people should avoid caffeinated drinks and exercise at least three hours before bedtime.  Some have even suggested that televisions should be removed from the bedroom or turned off before bedtime. The reason is that some programs are capable of stimulating the brain when we should be resting.  Besides a warm bath, eating foods like bananas, peanuts, figs, dairy, and turkey can help promote sleep.

    8. Exercise, Yoga, and Walking are Major Stress Relieves

    Young artists must find time to exercise and also engage in some form of social interaction. Physical activities help pump up the feel-good endorphins in the brain and other natural neural chemicals necessary for your well-being. There is a way to exercise that can help refocus the mind and body, improving your mood and preventing unnecessary irritation.  It is important to remember that all work and no play can lead to a lot of stress.

    Artists, old and young, must take up some form of exercise.  Yoga, walking, and Tai Chi are major stress relievers. Besides preventing obesity, exercise helps improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles.  Walking, for example, allows for the necessary personal reflection crucial to resolving issues that can eventually lead to stress. By exercising,  young artists not only enhance themselves physically but also mentally. The group experience can be a support system for the artist.

    9. Meditate: It Can Help Relieve Stress

    When artists are going through difficult or challenging things, it is important to have conversations with other people. Social interaction is very essential in the effort to resolve troubling issues, which could include financial, bereavement,  etc. Beyond social interaction, however, meditation can be very valuable in relieving stress.

    This is perhaps the cheapest way to deal with stress because all that is necessary is the mind and a quiet place.  Young artists can join a group or organization made up of other people interested in meditation.  During meditation, focusing on your breathing can help with stress reduction.  Although there are many forms of meditation, each with its own appeal, breathing exercises are effective for stress relief and can be done anywhere and anytime.

    10. Have Fun: Important Stress Reliever Tip

    One of the major sources of stress relief that is often overlooked by many people is sex. In a healthy relationship, sex can be extremely beneficial. Sex alone provides multiple stress relief points, including breathing, touching, sound communication, and several others that bring a rush of endorphins and other beneficial chemicals to an organism.  Often described as a “fun” way of relieving stress, sex has been endorsed by doctors and scientists as an effective way for hardworking people in a healthy relationship to deal with pressure.

    11. Do What You Love

    Many young artists get caught up in work in the studio and let life pass them by.  Such a situation can lead to stress.   Beyond creative work, it is important for young artists to engage in activities they love.  It could be playing games, journaling volunteering, gardening, listening to music, watching comedies on television, or caring for other people. Anything you can do to divert your attention from work and burdensome issues will always be beneficial in reducing stress.

    12. Laugh More: Let Emotions Fly 

    Bottled-up emotions are one of the major sources of stress for many people. Researchers have shown that the reluctance and inability to express emotions can lead to binge eating or the consumption of junk food.  It is important for young artists to laugh more. Laughter helps refocus the mind and lightens the mental load, causing a positive physical change in the body. So, watch some comedies, read some jokes, or engage in physical activities with funny friends.

    Young artists should be able to express anger, sadness, laughter, and tears, when necessary. The freedom to express emotions has the capacity to affect our bodies at the cellular level.  Associating with other people is an important stress reliever during turbulent emotional situations. There is no need to go into a frenzy about how to spend time with friends, family, work, play, etc. It is easily achievable by building and integrating your social life around people with whom you share a common interest and family members who are interested in your well-being. The integration of social life into daily life eliminates the need for multiple social circles. Talking with friends, family counselors and members of the clergy about your feelings is another healthy way to deal with stress.

    Stress Relief Tips:  What Data Shows

    These are just a few ways to relieve stress. There are many others.  Data has shown that excessive drinking of coffee and alcohol can lead to stress and other medical issues. Therefore, it is important to do things in moderation.  Even overeating healthy food can have devastating consequences.

    Other Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

    Listening to music and self-care are good stress relievers because they provide necessary mental distractions, which are important for decreasing stress hormones. Activities like dancing and gardening are also good stress relievers.

    While this is just a guide and not medical advice on how to relieve stress and anxiety, it contains important facts that will be beneficial to young artists and other people as they strive to make a major impact in their creative careers.  If you have other ways young artists can reduce or prevent stress, please send your comments. Consult your doctor or medical professional before taking any medications or engaging in strenuous activities. Here are some Stress  Tips on how to relieve stress and anxiety that people have identified:

    • Use stress relief products

    • Eat stress-relief food

    • Take stress relief pills recommended by your doctors

    • Play stress relief games

    • Engage in fun stress-relieving activities

    • Use stress relief techniques to reduce stress

    Seek Help

    If all else fails, it is time to see a therapist or counselor. Therapists can help when things get overwhelming and it becomes impossible to engage in everyday activities or practice your art.  A therapist or counselor will help you navigate the treacherous road of life and identify the sources of your stress as well as educate you on coping skills.

    Do you have any stress relief tips or stress relievers to share? Leave a comment.


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