Friday 07th March 2025,


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    Global Warming: Fayez Barakat’s Paintings Stir Emotions

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Global Warming: Fayez Barakat’s Paintings Stir Emotions

    Fayez Barakat, Global Warming 2055 – F.5070, 2011, 72″ (182.9cm) high x 48″ (121.9cm) wide, Acrylic on Canvas. Image courtesy of the artist.

    ART PROJECTS: Artist explores abstract art to stirs up emotions about global warming  


    Global Warming In Panama, an abstract expressionist painting by Fayez Barakat in Acrylic on Canvas. It is 60 x 48 in

    Fayez Barakat ,Global Warming In Panama – F.2606, 2010 , 60″ (152.4cm) high x 48″ (121.9cm), Acrylic on Canvas. Image courtesy of the artist

    BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA– For more than a decade, climate change has been a major topic of discussion across the globe. While some scientists and politicians have tried to dispute global warning facts, many others have affirmed that global warming is real and not a hoax.  The effect of global warming, scientists in favor of global warming have argued, is becoming more obvious with every passing year. The recent unprecedented erratic weather events, they contend, clearly shows that climate change is real. To prove their point, they have identified several causes of climate change, one of which is green house gasses. Green house gases are gases trapped in heat in the atmosphere. They include Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, and Fluorinated gases.

    Despite the fact that global warming is a sensitive issue, it is a major source of influence for Fayez Barakat, an abstract expressionist painter, who expresses his thoughts about global warming through his abstract paintings. His new series is titled Global Warming. Each painting, created in the abstract expressionism style akin to Jackson Pollock, is carefully composed to actualize the turbulence that has come to characterized weather conditions across the globe.  Barakat’s abstract painting techniques are unique and they express the artist’s effort at addressing a very topical issue, using colors, shapes, and forms to stir up emotions.

    In this artist statement, Fayez Barakat explains about his painting process and how he effectively uses different elements of art to arouse passion:

    It is my opinion that feelings, sensations, thoughts, expectations and dreams are frequencies that respond to colors, shapes and forms that are embedded in our subconscious minds. When I paint I try to share my experiences through this vibration of colors. The discipline of my distribution of my memories is reflected in my paintings. It is my hope that my paintings will enhance the aesthetic frequencies of the viewers to a higher level of their present consciousness, enabling them to see the beauty of their genetic impression in the abstract forms and shapes created. The ecstasy I feel after the completion of each artwork is the basis of a new creation and a process of spiritual growth. To share this journey with my viewers is my ultimate joy in the brief experience we call life.

    A collection of Fayez Barakat’s Global Warming painting can be viewed at his museum.

    Image: Acrylic on Canvas abstract expressionist painting addresses the sensitive issue of global warming In Perth. It is by Fayez Barakat

    Fayez Barakat, Global Warming In Perth – F.2605, 2010, 60″ (152.4cm) high x 48″ (121.9cm) wide, Acrylic on Canvas. Image courtesy of the artist

    Image: Global Warming abstract expressionist painting by Fayez Barakat. Large painting, Abstract Art

    Fayez Barakat Global Warming 2051 – F.5059, 2011 AD, 60″ (152.4cm) high x 48″ (121.9cm) wide, Acrylic on Canvas. Image courtesy of the artist

    Image; Contemporary Art and Abstract Art by Fayez Barakat brings Global Warming to the fore

    Fayez Barakat,Global Warming 2035 – F.5102, 2011 AD, 72″ (182.9cm) high x 60″ (152.4cm) wide, Acrylic on Canvas. Image courtesy of the artist

    Image: Large Acrylic on Canvas painting by Fayez Barakat questions addresses the effects of global warming Global Warming

    Fayez Barakat , GW 2050 – F.5051, 2011, 60″ (152.4cm) high x 48″ (121.9cm) wide, Acrylic on Canvas. Image courtesy of the artist


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