Wednesday 05th March 2025,


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    Graphic Novel by Spanish Illustrator Resurrects Dracula

    posted by ARTCENTRON
    Graphic Novel by Spanish Illustrator Resurrects Dracula

    Fernando Vicente Dracula shows his evil side in Dracula – Illustrated Edition of the new graphic novel. Image courtesy of the artist



    Dracula – Illustrated Edition, a new graphic novel illustrated by Fernando Vicente, reveals Dracula as a fearful, devious, and mischievous character

    Image: A beautiful woman shows off Dracula's bite under red roses in Dracula - Graphic Novel Illustrated Edition by Fernando Vicente

    Fernando Vicente, Love Bite and Roses, Dracula – Illustrated Edition. Image courtesy of the artist

    SPAIN– Fernando Vicente ambitious new illustration for Dracula – Illustrated Edition takes us to the beginning when Dracula was vicious, cruel and funny. The new graphic novel based on Bram Stoker’s version dispenses with the myth of Dracula invented in the movies. Jesus Ejido editor at Kingdom Cordelia believed it was important to go back to the past and bring to the fore the true untainted adventure of Dracula.

    The new graphic novel illustrates Dracula’s evil and devious nature. For Ejido, it was necessary to dwell on the evil essence of Dracula because as he notes “We are interested in the evil Dracula, absolute evil.”

    From the Kingdom of Cordelia, Dracula – Illustrated Edition has a prologue by Luis Alberto de Cuenca with translation into Spanish by Juan Antonio Molina Foix. Situated in London, the new graphic novel binds atavistic, myth and modernity of London where gory was already a tradition to create a realistic and heart rendering goriness. But within all the gory atmosphere and bloodletting is a dark humor that brings exciting twits to this rich story.

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    The new illustrations and images for Dracula by Fernando Vicente, Spanish painter and illustrator in this graphic novel, bring the story of Dracula to life in a way that had never been done before. The objective was to create a new image that presents the vampire as powerful as the movie classics. A fusion of ‘Murnau’s Nosferatu, Bela Lugosi, the elegant gentleman, and Christopher Lee, Vicente’s image of Dracula in this graphic novel is tall, strong, fearful, and mischievous.  Speaking on Vicente’s illustrations in this graphic novel, Ejido notes:

    It’s true that the film has given him many times face the vampire, but on the other hand, there are very few versions Illustrated Dracula. Therefore, avoiding the overly theatrical aspect of Lugosi and Lee, Fernando was able to offer a personal version without having excessive graphic influences. The vampire that most resembles the novel would be Nosferatu, but it suffers from expressionist. I do not think there is in the world an illustrated Dracula as ambitious as Fernando Vicente, something I never get tired of thanking you.

    Fernando Vicente based in Spain has done great illustrations for newspapers, magazines and books. You can see more of his illustrations and images on his site .

    Spanish Illustrator Resurrects Dracula in Graphic Novel

    Image: Graphic Novel illustration of Attack of the Vampire by Fernando Vicente in Dracula - Illustrated Edition

    Fernando Vicente, Attack of the Vampire, Dracula – Illustrated Edition. Image courtesy of the artist

    Image: Dracula bites a beautiful woman showing his love and desire for blood in Dracula - Illustrated Edition illustrated by Fernando Vicente

    Fernando Vicente, Kiss of Love, Dracula – Illustrated Edition. Image courtesy of the artist

    Image: Dracula by Fernando Vicente is a Graphic Novel depicting Dracula as tall, strong and mischievous

    Fernando Vicente, Dracula, tall, strong, and mischievous, Dracula – Illustrated Edition. Image courtesy of the artist

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